Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Ways to Save Time With Batch Processing

From errands to work to paying the bills, discover how grouping tasks together can save you tons of valuable time.

5 Tips for Remembering Names

If you forget names as soon as you've heard them, follow these suggestions to avoid embarrassing "I totally don't remember who you are" moments.

How to Revive an Old Retirement Fund

If you've been neglecting your nest egg, it's time to bring it back from the dead.

6 Best Jobs for Working Moms and Dads

Finding the right work-life balance as a parent isn't easy. These six jobs are wonderfully accommodating for working moms and dads.

Looking On The Bright Side: How to Find A Silver Lining In The Current Financial Crisis

While this might be the biggest economic disaster of our generation, it might not be the big bad wolf that we all think it is. Quite the contrary, this little financial lesson migh

7 Travel Hacks for an Affordable Summer Road Trip

Before you hit the trail on an epic summer road trip, make sure these smart tips are in your back pocket for a fun and frugal time.

Hey Boss, Please Don’t Bother Me, I’m Daydreaming

Long considered the sole provenance of the lazy and uninspired, the process of daydreaming may be more productive than we thought.

The 5 Best Pet Wipes

Keeping your house clean with a messy dog or cat isn't easy, but it can be. Get any of these pet wipes and those paws will be mud-free.

Here's Why Multitasking and Money Don't Mix

Science says multitasking hurts our productivity. Here's how multitasking keeps you from your financial goals, too.

New App Ondot Is a Remote Control for Your Credit Card

Save money and protect your credit card from fraud with Ondot's new Card Control app.

6 Common Excuses for Not Saving Money

If you don't feel like you're saving enough money, there's probably one thing stopping you — you. Learn how to get over the excuses and start saving.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 5/16, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Keeping Graduation Season Frugal! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

50+ Ways to Save Water

Even if you live in a rainy climate, you can do the planet and your pocketbook a favor by conserving water. Here's how.

Should Your Next Car Be Electric?

Electric cars are an alternative to environmentally unfriendly gas guzzlers, but are they worth the higher upfront cost?

The Letter Always Wins

When it comes to shaming companies into rewarding the disgruntled customer, writing an old fashioned letter (and having the tenacious personality of my husband) is all that's reall

The Only 5 Grocery Shopping Techniques You Need

There are lots of ways to cut grocery costs, but these five strategies may be the cleverest — and they aren't difficult to do, either.

How About a Price List at the Hospital or Doctor’s Office?

Restaurants show you how much your food costs before you order. When it comes to medical expenses, shouldn't it be the same?

What Did Your Parents REALLY Teach You About Money? (It Might Surprise You)

Our families teach us "money scripts" that can drive our entire financial lives. Learn more about what they are — and how you can change them.

The High Cost of Catching a Cold or the Flu

'Tis the season when pretty much everyone is sick. And it turns out, these common illnesses are a total money suck.

16 Ways You Are Causing Road Rage

It's not your fault if the other driver has poor impulse control, but you really should avoid these rage inducing driving behaviors.