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Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What Financial Topic Do You Want to Learn More About?

Tell us what financial topic you want to learn more about and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

11 Money Habits That Make You Look Financially Immature

You're an adult. It's time to start acting like one with your money.

11 Cool Uses for a Tablet Computer

Tablets are a great way to watch videos and check your email on the go — but they're also perfect for these awesome, surprising uses.

How to Save on National Park Visits in 2018

While there are only four fee-free days in the National Parks this year, there are plenty of other ways to save. It doesn't cost a lot to visit YOUR national treasures!

6 Cheap Ways to Get Rid of Household Pests

Ewww, bugs! Send your unwelcome household guests packing with some simple, cheap, and eco-friendly pest solutions.

14 Frugal Christmas Decorating Hacks

Deck your halls with frugal flair this year. Whether store-bought or DIY, you can save big on holiday decor if you start now.

30 Awesome Decorating Hacks Anyone Can Do

You don't have to be a crafting superhero to dress up a room — you only need the desire to DIY and this collection of great-looking hacks.

18 DIY Christmas Ornaments That Are Better Than Store Bought

The best Christmas ornament doesn't come from a store. A DIY ornament, perhaps, means a little bit more.

5 Amazing Travel Destinations You Thought Were Unaffordable

Don't let rumors of sky-high prices hold you back; you can travel to these dream destinations for less than you think!

Should You Repair a Dripping Faucet?

Sure, that dripping faucet might be annoying, but does it make financial sense to fix it? Find out with these simple calculations.

How I got two CEOs to listen to my complaints

Here’s a shining example of how Wise Bread writers not only read each others stories, we also follow the advice. And in my case, it worked like a charm. I’m two for two, and I plan

Investment Advice You Should Never Hear From Your Financial Advisor

Choosing a financial advisor you can trust is hard. Narrow the field by eliminating any advisor who offers you any of this "advice."

Homebrewed Beer: Make Your Own and Save Money?

Can you save money by making your own beer? Is it worth the effort?

12 Cheap Ways to Make Your Office Look Awesome

Maybe your afternoon productivity slump has nothing to do with with lunch. Perk up your working surroundings and see if you don't perk up, too.

Why I Choose to Rent Instead of Buy

Some say that homeownership is the smarter financial move, but for many folks, renting is just the better call.

How to complain and get a good result.

When you're on the receiving end of a poor product or service, you're entitled to complain. Here's how to do it.

How to Get 5% Cash Back on Holiday Purchases

Reduce the bite holiday spending takes out of your budget with one of these cash back rewards cards.

Frugal Gluten-Free Living: Budget Friendly, Gluten-Free Grocery Staples

This list compiles the gluten-free groceries that give you the most bang for your buck, while maintaining the lifestyle your body needs. With these items in your cupboards, you wil

4 Credit Report Mistakes That Could Be Costing You Big

You know you should be reviewing your credit report annually. When you do, these are the credit dangers to look for.

How to Find Your New Identity After Retirement

Your job is part of who you are. What happens when you leave it?