Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

4 Reasons People Don't Retire Early — and How You Can

Tired of the daily grind? Early retirement may be within reach if you can get past four financial and mental roadblocks.

7 Life Skills Your Kids Won't Learn in School

There are some important lessons kids can't get from a traditional education. Are you showing your kids the way?

Cash Might Make You Happier, But Investments Will Make You Richer

Having a lot of cash on hand might put a smile on your face, but if it's long-term wealth you're after, you need to invest.

Why You Shouldn't Eat at Chain Restaurants

The portions are big, and the food is reliably the same...but is it worth it to eat at chain restaurants? One writer says no.

Cool & funky things I found FREE on Craigslist

It's amazing what people will throw away these days. Or give away. And that's why I'm a huge fan of Craigslist . [more]

12 Expert Tips for Redeeming Miles for Free Travel

Your dreams of seeing the world don't have to drain your savings. Become a frugal jetsetter with a little help from some credit card reward experts.

Personal Finance Blogs: Highlights From Our Conversation With The Plutus Awards

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with The Plutus Awards on personal finance blogs!

9 Signs You Need to Fire Your Financial Planner

A good financial planner will guide you, step by step, through all your money goals. A bad one should be kicked to the curb.

Can I Eat This? A Quick Guide to Expiration Dates and Food Safety

Food waste costs consumers billions every year, and the culprit is confusion about expiration dates. Find out what you can still eat, no matter what the carton says.

Household Cleaning Hacks That Save You Money

Here are a few household cleaning hacks that will save you money on power costs, cleaning solutions, and will even save your precious time.

I’ve Lived Both Sides of the Healthcare System. This Is What I've Learned.

This debate has been furiously argued on both sides for several months, so I thought I’d throw my hat in the ring. I lived with the British National Health Service (NHS) until I wa

Peer to Peer Lending: Prosper Marketplace or Lending Club?

Whether you're a borrower or investor, here is a quick comparison guide on the two largest peer to peer lending companies.

7 DIY Crafts That Will Save You Money

You can save some serious cash by making decor, gifts, and home goods — without spending a lot on tools and supplies. Let's get crafty!

8 Things to Wait Until After Christmas to Buy

Sure, Black Friday gets all the big discount hype, but the deals post-Christmas can't be beat!

10 Tips To Lower The Cost of Banking

When shopping for a money market savings account or other bank products, I don't believe it should be all about the yield. You should also be aware of how much it costs to bank wit

9 College Expenses You Aren't Saving For

Tuition? Check. Books? Check. These other hidden costs of your child's college education and experience? ...Uh oh.

The 15 Coolest Silicon Valley Job Perks You Wish You Had

Chances are your employer isn't half as generous as these famous tech sector companies. Free lunch is just the beginning.

Frugal Drink Pairings for BYOB Restaurants

Bringing your own wine or beer can really help cut down on restaurant costs — but what if you don't know what to bring? Check out this pairing guide.

Pet Peeves Part 3: Vet Visits

My animals are a pricey bunch. Cute, and sweet, but medically challenged. [more]

9 Ways to Job Hunt Without Getting Caught

Looking for a new job? Here's how to job hunt without getting caught.