Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Funny Taste Mystery: Using Google for Medical Diagnoses

I have just recovered from a case of pine nut mouth, or at least that's what I'm calling a recent health hiccup. And I have Google to thank for saving me thousands of dollars, coun

All We Are Saying...Is Give Pabst A Chance.

Next time you have a barbecue or birthday party, grab a case of PBR or another "cheap" beer. You're serving good beer and you're saving money, too.

The Best and Worst Things to Buy at Farmers' Markets

Your local farmers' market is a great source of frugal and healthful food — as long as you know what to buy and what to leave on the table.

The 6 Craziest Things People Have Done to Land a Job

What's it take to land a job these days? For these six job-seekers, it took creativity, daring, and in one case, about 2,000 hours of game design.

The Financial Perks of Being in Your 20s

From student loans to pitiful pay, you may wonder if there are any financial perks to being young. Good news! There are many.

10 Cheap, Tasty Wines to Get You Through Tax Season

Doing your taxes isn't fun, but it can be much more enjoyable with a bottle of wine. Try one of these delicious options that offer big flavor at a small price.

10 Money Rules Every Working Adult Should Know

Money management doesn't have to be complicated. Master a few (or all!) of these basics and you'll be on your way.

Keep Your Credit Card Safe While Shopping Online

Whether you're doing holiday shopping or just making an everyday purchase, follow these steps to keep your credit card information safe.

20 Recipe Substitutions That Save Money and Prevent Food Waste

Can you really taste the difference between pine nuts and sunflower seeds in that pesto? Your wallet can! Discover 19 more great, money-saving subs.

The good life on less energy--even in the US

Whenever I write a post about energy, I point out that we know it's possible to have a high standard of living while using less energy--people in European countries do, so it must

Investment Allocation by Age: Birth to 10 Years Old

When kids are young, investing is usually done on their behalf. However, it's possible to get kids started with their own investments at a surprisingly early age.

Start Building Your Credit History with the Citi Secured Mastercard

Start your journey toward good credit with the Citi Secured Mastercard.

Your 31 Hidden Networks That Can Help You Land Jobs

Discover your hidden network of supporters who are eager to help you find a job or upgrade your career.

The 5 Best Ways to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Being swamped at work is not a badge of honor — it's a sign of inefficiency. Get more done with these smart tips.

Earn More Interest by Reducing Savings Friction

Sometimes friction is a good thing. Like when you can use it to save tons of money.

The Only Fruits and Veggies Worth Growing Yourself

Gardening is fun and satisfying, but why not go for the fruits and vegetables that offer the most value, too?

The 5 Best Electric Blankets

Need some extra warmth from your blanket when the cold weather sets in? Stay nice and warm in one of these five comfy electric blankets.

20 Ways to Entertain Your Kids for Free

Mom! Dad! I'm bored! Not anymore with this list of fun — and free — games and activities that will entertain everybody.

Bohemians Then and Now

Whenever people try to support themselves through their art, the bohemian lifestyle appears out of the resulting poverty and freedom.

7 Things to Consider Before Becoming a Stay-at-Home Parent

Being stay-at-home parent can prove beyond rewarding, but walking away from a job in this economy is a tough decision. Here are some factors to consider.