Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Travel Full-Time for $17,000 a Year (or Less!)

For the last five years, one writer has traveled full-time on the cheap. Discover how she did it, and how you can too.

The 5 Best Acne Treatments

Give your skin a healthy and clear glow with the right acne treatment. Any of these five best acne treatments are good choices!

What Happens to a Student Credit Card After You Graduate?

Getting a credit card in college is a great way to build credit when you're young. But what should you do with the card after you graduate?

Ask the Readers: What is Your Favorite Thing About Fall?

Tell us what your favorite thing about fall is and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Things wear out

I have a pair of shoes that are about to wear out. This sucks because they're shoes I wear pretty often (which is no doubt why they're wearing out). I'll probably have to replace

15 Things You Should Buy at Costco

You know there are great deals to be had at Costco, but you really should be buying these 15 things at Costco and not anywhere else.

Ask the Readers: What Makes You a Cheapskate?

We want to know what qualifies you as a "cheapskate". Are you horrifying in your money-saving ways? Or do you pinch your pennies with finesse and class? Let us know wh

The Best Age to Buy Long-Term Care Insurance

If you want to buy long-term care insurance, don't wait until it's too late.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Fight the Winter Blues?

Tell us how you fight the winter blues and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

8 Reasons Time Is Worth More Than Money

We've all heard people say "time is money." But believe it or not, time is worth so much more.

Our Worst Financial Mistakes and What You Can Learn From Them

Wise Bread bloggers share their worst financial mistakes. Hopefully, wherever you may be in your living-large journey, you can learn from us.

How to Maximize Rewards Through Credit Card Shopping Portals

Credit card shopping portals help you earn more points and miles for every dollar you spend. And they're incredibly easy to use!

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Holiday Shortcuts?

Tell us about your holiday shortcuts and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: Do You Have a Garden for Vegetables?

Tell us about your vegetable garden and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

6 Ways New College Grads Can Build Credit

Entering the real world involves making big financial choices, and those choices will be easier once you start building credit.

The 5 Best Hair Growth Supplements

Promote healthier locks and repair damaged hair with the right hair growth supplement, like one of these best five choices.

7 Ways to Compare Stock Market Investments

There are thousands of investments out there. If you want to find the "best" ones, you need to learn how to compare them.

What Is a Good Credit Score and Why Is It Important?

Credit scores can be confusing. Make sure you understand how they work and how to get a good credit rating.

11 Creative Ways to Use Golf Balls Around the House

Do you have a lot of extra golf balls lying around but no time to hit the links? Put them to use with these creative options for your home.

Here's Why Credit Scores and Reports Are Not the Same

Do you know the difference between a credit score and a credit history? You need to — here's how to break it down.