Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How Cutting Your Losses Can Save You More Than Money

Learn to let go and you'll gain way more than better financial habits. Sunk costs are sunk for a reason!

13 Simple Gardening Skills Anybody Can Master

Having a green thumb is not only a great skill to have — it can also save you big bucks!

7 Important Things You Should Know About Balance Transfer Cards

If you plan to pay down high interest credit card debt with a new zero-interest card, make sure you understand the potential downsides.

Create a Reverse Bucket List to Improve Your Money Management

A "reverse bucket list" — a running tally of all the wonderful things you've already accomplished — can be the perfect personal finance motivator.

6 Conversation Tricks That'll Get You Out of a Political Discussion

Slide out of a tough political fight unscathed with these smart tactics.

Do You Have These Key Character Traits for Investing Success?

Being a successful investor isn't just about money management — it also comes down to personality.

Ask the Readers: What Do You Want to Get Done Before 2018 Ends?

Tell us what you want to get done before 2018 ends and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

What You Can Buy With $5,000

When you're done fantasizing about what you could spend a cool million on, think about the possibilities of a realistic windfall — like a cool $5K!

How to Stretch Your Airline Miles With Dynamic Award Pricing

Dynamic award pricing is here to stay, but there are still plenty of ways to get the most out of your airline miles.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Host a Party on a Budget?

Tell us how you host a party on a budget and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Avoid Bank Fees

How do you avoid bank fees? Read the stuff from your bank and understand what services are free and what services aren't.

Party Like It's 19.99: The Psychology of Pricing

Does the store you're shopping at want to be seen as a bargain? A purveyor of luxury goods? A renegade? The answer is in the last two digits of the price.

5 Common Medicare Myths, Debunked

Medicare is the largest health insurance program in the country. And it comes with plenty of easily-debunked myths.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Maximize Medicare Benefits

Today we found articles on how to maximize Medicare benefits, countries where you’ll get the most bang for your buck, and a practical guide to saying no.

Best Money Tips: How to Make Easter Eggs in the Instant Pot

Today we found articles on how to make Easter eggs in an Instant Pot, a guide to lifestyle experiments, and things you need to know if you’re bumped form a flight.

15 Ways to Make Money Outside Your Day Job

You've only got so many hours in the day to sell to the Man. But if you're creative with what you've got, you can still give your finances a boost.

5 Bodily Fluids You Can Exchange for Cash

If you're fit and healthy and don't mind some hassle and probing questions, you can earn extra income selling little vials of medical grade you.

How to Pay Off Holiday Debt: A Step-by-Step Guide

Did Christmas leave you in the red? Don't worry, this step-by-step guide will help you climb out of that hole.

7 Work-From-Home Jobs for People Who Hate Talking on the Phone

Love the idea of working from home, but hate the idea of talking on the phone? Don't worry. There are plenty of remote jobs out there for you.

What's Faster for Mortgage Payoff: $100/Month Extra or 1 Payment/Year Extra?

Is it better to pay $100 per month extra on your mortgage or make an extra payment at the end of each year? It depends on your loan balance and interest rate.