Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

4 Reasons Why a "Good Enough" Decision May Be Best

Humans are emotional, forgetful, and easily overwhelmed: In short, we're not great decision makers. Learn why settling for "good" is the best decision.

Trailers for Ths American Life

"We wanted to make a TV show that feels like the radio show, but isn't just the radio show on TV." Can This American Life successfully transfer its intimate and quirky storytelling style onto [more]

How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

After you decide to buy life insurance, it's time to figure out how much life insurance you need and for how long. Jeff Rose, CFP, has a simple formula to get you started.

5 Smart Travel Hacks Only Frequent Flyers Know

You don't have to dread the airport. These smart frequent flyer secrets will have you breezing through the terminal (almost) stress-free.

Turn Off Your Air Conditioning

Most people lack the skills for getting by without air conditioning. Here's a quick primer.

Avoid These 6 Mistakes Newbies Make With Their First Credit Cards

Getting your first credit card allows you to enter the financial mainstream. Be sure to avoid these common mistakes that can cost you.

The 5 Best Fabric Softeners

Do you like your clothes feeling extra soft? Then add any one of these five superb fabric softeners to your next laundry run.

10 Ways to Prevent an Emergency From Driving You Into Debt

If you're caught short when life catches you short, don't panic. Instead, try these strategies to manage an emergency and avoid debt.

Kilowatts a Killer? Tips for Air-Drying Clothes

With electricity rates and propane prices rising, we learned in a big hurry how to dry our clothes with minimal dryer use.

10 Travel "Must-Haves" That You Can Live Without

Traveling can be so much more fun when you pack light. From guidebooks to gizmos, learn how to deal without these travel "necessities."

Best Money Tips: Paying Off Your Debt

Today we found some awesome articles on paying off your debt, asking for a raise, and saving cash at the airport.

9 Crazy Investments of the Rich and Famous

The rich and famous are no strangers to wild money matters. Do any of these crazy investments ring a bell?

Dealing with Financial Drought: A Recovery Plan

You know how it goes. One minute, you have extra money sitting in the bank just waiting for you to play with it. The next, your car needs repaired, or the cat gets sick, or the roo

25 Ways to Simplify Your Life — Today

One of the best things about simple living is how easy it is. Get started today with one (or more!) of these simplifying tricks.

How to Tell if You're on Track for Retirement

It may be a little bit early to think about retirement all too seriously if you still have several decades left before you face it. But don't look now -- time flies and before you

This Is Why You Always Think Things Will Cost Less Than They Do

Estimating costs is hard — and the sad part is, much of the time it's because our brains are working against us. Here's how to regain control.

4 Things Millennials Should Do Today to Prepare for Retirement

Planning for retirement is daunting — even for twenty-somethings. Take a few simple steps and be on your way to building a healthy retirement fund.

5 Pet Costs You Don't See Coming

Pets soon become family — which means more often than not, you'll pony up. Start saving now for these pet expenses you can't avoid.

Mind Over Math - Believing It Makes It So

Boost your child's brain power with a little encouragement. Science proves kids' intelligence grows when they realize it can.

Mix 'n match your food to save money

Is there any way out of the "I love to eat but I don't want to cook all the time!" dilemma? Will there ever be a way to eat consistent, healthy, homecooked meals without slaving in the kitchen all the time? Read on, and tell me what you think. [more]