Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How a Credit Card Cash Advance Costs You More Than a Purchase

The convenience of cash advance comes at a cost. Usually, a pretty steep one.

IRS Delays Start of Tax Filing for Some Taxpayers in 2011

The IRS announced that certain taxpayers will have to wait until late February 2011 to file taxes. Read on to see if you are affected by this delay.

The 5 Most Dangerous Things Hiding in Your Home Right Now

It's an unfortunate truth: home is where the accidents happen. Protect yourself and your family by uncovering these five hidden dangers.

The 5 Best Reasons to Start Investing in Bonds Now

Bonds offer investors several advantages, but you should understand their potential risks and basic terms before you jump in.

The 4 Most Common Unnecessary "Needs"

Reducing your budget can be difficult when you have so many "needs," but these four types of so-called necessities aren't required at all.

6 Ways to Tell If a Credit Card Offer Is a Good One

That credit card offer looks awfully attractive. But is it really a good one? Time to read the fine print.

5 Ways Newlyweds Screw Up Money Management

Marriage isn't just a joining of two people who love each other, it's also a joining of their finances. Avoid these mistakes to make sure you achieve fiscal bliss.

9 Quick Workouts You Can Do During Commercial Breaks

Turn TV time into a real workout by adding these quick, but intense fitness routines to your viewing habit.

The 5 Best Milk Frothers

Skip the line and expense of a barista mixed cappuccino and whip up your own with one of our best five milk frothers.

4 Amazing, Affordable Honeymoon Destinations

Your honeymoon shouldn't put you into debt. Celebrate the start of your marriage at these amazing and affordable destinations.

The Gift Card Scam of 2011: Don’t Be a Victim

There's a chance that the gift card you just bought or received could be worthless. Learn about the new gift card scam, and how to protect yourself.

Make an Extra $200 a Year Just By Doing This Online

Internet search is a tough business and one Google competitor is willing to pay you to use its search engine instead. Do you Bing?

Afraid, Yet Smitten - You Haven't Heard of Violent Acres Yet?

Amid Violent Acres' delightfully jaw-dropping blog posts, you'l find some sound financial advice. Check it out!

9 Times You Should Demand a Refund

Why waste your hard-earned money on a sub-par product or service? Here's when to (politely) demand a refund.

Saving Strategies: Highlights from Our Chat with Dr. Barbara O’Neill from Rutgers

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with Dr. Barbara O'Neill from Rutgers on saving strategies.

Flights from Europe to the US from $14.

I had to do a double-take, too. But the promise of super-cheap flights from Europe to the US is on the horizon. And it's not 10 years away as many people first thought. [more]

Help From a Former Pack Rat: Getting Rid of Stuff

Sometimes, the line between "frugal" and "pack rat" can seem oh so fine. Here's what helped me overcome my pack rat tendencies.

FREE bowling balls - just pay shipping

A quick deal for you everyone. I'm not sure how bad or good your bowling is, but mine is rotten. I don't blame the balls, I blame myself for not doing it often enough. Oh,

6 Extreme Job Interview Tactics That Worked

Get up and walk out of a job interview? Sure, that worked and so did these other insane interview tricks. How far will you go for a job?