Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Fast Ways to Restock an Emergency Fund After an Emergency

Crisis averted! Your emergency fund came through when you needed it. Now it's time to rebuild that financial safety net before the other shoe drops.

What to Expect After These 5 Personal Financial Disasters

When a financial crisis hits, it helps to know exactly what to expect — and how to bounce back.

How to Apply to Lots of Colleges Without Going Broke

Applying to college can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be! Here's how to do it on the cheap.

5 Things to Do Right Now to Boost Your 600 Credit Score

A 600 credit score isn't bad, exactly, but it's not terrific, either. Here's what you can do to improve it.

6 Ways Social Media Can Save You Money

Sometimes to score big online #savings, all you need to do is work your social networks.

5 Dumb IRA Mistakes Even Smart People Make

Investing in retirement is a great first step, but if you're making any of these easy-to-avoid IRA mistakes, you're hurting your returns.

8 DIY Backyard Home Improvements That Save You Big

Summer's around the corner, which means extra hours in the day for home improvement. Spruce up your backyard with a spiffy and affordable project.

Surprising Things That Can Kill Your Credit

We're all familiar with the damage a late payment can do to a credit score. But there are plenty of other credit-sinkers you might not know about.

4 Ways Outsourcing Chores Can Save You Time and Money

When household chores threaten to gobble up all your time, there's no shame in shelling out for a little help.

Does Your Teenager Really Need a Credit Card?

Does your teenager actually need a credit card? Probably.

5 Things to Consider When Buying a Larger Home

When home gets a little cramped, bigger digs may be in order. Here's what you should consider before upsizing.

Credit Scores

Maintaining a good credit score is important, no matter what your financial goals are.

Retirement Planning If You’re Under 30

For those of us in our 20s, managing our finances is stressful enough, and saving for retirement can seem impossible. But you CAN make it happen — here's how.

6 Outdoor Adventures That Don't Cost a Dime

When the weather finally clears, shake off cabin fever with this collection of cheap, or even free outdoor adventures.

25 Reasons Why It's Good to Know Your Neighbors

When there's something strange in the neighborhood, who ya gonna call? Your neighbors, of course! Discover all the great reasons to know who's next door.

The 5 Worst Pieces of Financial Advice Your Friends Give You

Have you been listening to any of this advice from your friends? If you have, you need to stop right now.

Don't Pay More! Guide to Price Matching and Cheat Sheet

Holiday shoppers who take advantage of retailer price matching can be certain they get the best price. Read on for Carrie’s guide to the ins and outs of finding the best price.

How the Self Employed Can Cut Health Care Costs

Health care is a wild-card for many freelancers and entrepreneurs. Take these steps for more control over your costs and options.

6 Guilty Pleasures That Are Killing Your Budget

Don't let your guilty pleasure ruin your budget. Instead, see how much your habit is really costing you each year and how to better spend the money.

6 Self-Care Rituals to Try When You Find Out You're Pregnant

You just found out you're pregnant! Time to make self-care your number one priority.