Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Celebrate Valentine's Day Frugally?

Tell us how you celebrate Valentine's Day frugally and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Homemade Dog Food: Recipe and Cost

Learn how to make your own dog food and save hundreds of dollars.

9 Surprising Uses for Empty Beer and Soda Cans

Don't throw away those empty beverage cans. With a few basic tools and a little imagination, you can put them to all sorts of uses.

Homemade Peanut Butter: Recipe and Cost Comparison

Normally we assume it's cheaper to make something homemade rather than buy it at the store. But what about peanut butter? Is it cheaper to make your own homemade peanut butter?

25 Great, Cheap, and Easy Crock Pot Recipes

A crock pot can be your key to a fast and delicious dinner. These 25 recipes are simple, cost little, and, most importantly, taste great.

Ask the Readers: What Are the Best Gifts for Women?

Tell us what you think the best gifts for women are and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The Fiduciary Rule Is Under Review — How Will This Affect Your Investments?

The Trump administration is holding the fiduciary rule in limbo. How could this affect you and your retirement?

7 Modern Ways to Send Money to Your Kid

When your kids need cash in a flash, use these modern tools to get them the money they need, often in just a few moments.

Ask the Readers: Where Do You Want to Be, Financially, in 5 Years?

Tell us where you want to be, financially, in 5 years and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Get a High Rating and Make More Money as an Uber Driver

If you're wondering how you can get a higher rating and earn more with Uber, here are some easy tips.

8 Questions to Ask When Buying a Used Car

A pre-owned car can save you a lot of money, so long as you ask some key questions before buying.

5 Steps to Successful Budgeting

Ready to build your best budget? All it takes is five steps to clear financial control.

How Too Many Small Decisions Can Cost You Big

Small decisions might not seem taxing separately, but collectively, they can really weigh you down. Here's how.

This Is How Student Loan Interest Works

Your student loan balance is just one piece of the financial puzzle. You should know how your loan interest works, too.

6 Ways to Improve Your Curb Appeal for Next to Nothing

A few cheap, easy fixes will snaz up your home's curb appeal without making an ugly mess of your bank account.

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Favorite Thanksgiving Tradition?

Tell us about your favorite Thanksgiving tradition and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Countries With No (Or Very Low) Taxes

Heading to one of these countries with very low taxes could be the ticket to paying less in taxes.

Learning How to Become a Money Master From Author David Bach

Learning how to maximize your income, no matter how much you make, is not an easy process. Luckily, best-selling author David Bach has some brilliant tips to guide you.

What Exactly Does Trip Cancellation Insurance Cover?

Is trip interruption/cancellation insurance worth the cost? Let's find out.

Ask the Readers: Do You Plan to Go Back to School?

Tell us if you have plans to go back to school and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!