Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Go Golf Cart Go: The Battery-Powered Solution?

Spotted moving along on the roads in my city just last week was a golf cart. Is this solution to high gas prices (a bare-bones battery-powered vehicle) wise or even legal? I’ll tel

6 Financial Mistakes We Don't Make Anymore (and 2 We Still Do)

Once burned twice shy applies to personal finance, too. The Great Recession taught many of us to improve our financial ways, mostly for the better.

Last Minute Wrapping Paper: 5 Options

I've been known to wrap presents literally five minutes before the family has planned to open them — and that means there's no time for a last minute run to the store for a roll of

Don't Fall for These Common Obamacare Scams

Nothing brings out grifters like chaos and confusion. The opening of the Obamacare health insurance exchanges has given them a golden opportunity.

Diva On A Budget - Living The Good Life When Your Fortune Isn't So Great

Diamonds may be a girl's best friend but in this economy, most of us are foregoing that friendship in order to make ends meet. But just because we're not rolling in the dough doesn

Forget Your Weaknesses and Build on Your Strengths to Find Success

Choosing the path of least resistance doesn't mean you're lazy; it means you're playing to your strengths. Here's why you should keep doing it.

Savings Bonds as Interest-Earning Travelers Checks

Remember travelers checks? In the days before ubiquitous automated teller machines, they were a useful product. You could use them almost like cash -- but you could carry more than

Are Your Five Senses Tricking You to Spend More?

An interesting take on how your senses affect your spending.

Best Money Tips: What You Should Know About Store Closing Sales

Today we found articles on what you should know about store closing sales, healthy dishes for weight loss, and beginner tips for fermenting.

7 Simple Ways to Get Motivated for Your Workout

Getting up the gumption may be the hardest part about about staying fit. Try these simple gumption getters the next time you need some.

'Tis the Season for Decluttering: Why and How To Do It

Forget spring cleaning — the last week of the year is the best time to clean house. Here's why.

5 Ways to Save Money in the New Year

Make 2011 your best financial year yet with these tips to jump-start your savings.

Save Money with a Dependent Care Tax Credit and FSA

If you pay for day care or other services, you may be able to save thousands with an FSA, the Child and Dependent Care Credit, or both.

11 Laundry Mistakes You Didn't Know You Were Making

Your clothes aren't getting clean and it's all your fault. How many of these washday mistakes are you making?

The Advocate's Approach Versus The Creative Approach: Negotiation Techniques For Creative Solutions

If you start with the goal of a mutually beneficial solution in mind, it is possible for a negotiation to end with both parties happy.

Free Ways to Celebrate Mother's Day

Making your mother feel appreciated shouldn't mean buying lots of stuff. Discover scores of free (or almost free) ways to celebrate that special lady.

Great Ways to Get Calcium

Everyone knows that milk is an excellent source of calcium, but not everyone drinks it. Here are other great ways to get calcium without the milk mustache.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 8/31, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Having a Frugal Labor Day Weekend! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

How to Leverage an Economy of Giving and Profit

Digital distribution of gifts offers small businesses an almost free way to reach new customers. Go ahead, give it away.

Best Money Tips: Frugal Family Travel

Today we found some great articles on frugal family travel, the best way to avoid bank fees, and tips for a Christmas to remember.