Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Easy Ways to Improve Your Online Reputation

Go ahead, Google yourself. Whether you like the results or don't, you have to take steps to protect your online rep.

Smart Shopping: Guide to Researching a Purchase

Need help making sure you're not making a purchase you'll regret? Follow these simple guidelines to make sure you wind up a happy, satisfied customer.

The 1% Rule and Other Ways to Make Goals Manageable

Big goals are achieved through small changes. How small? Well, forget about 110% — sometimes all you need to give is 1%.

Creating a Financial Plan: Highlights from Our Chat with Money Smart Week

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with Money Smart Week on creating a financial plan!

The ethics of hoarding

In the Philippines, they're threatening life sentences for people hoarding rice.   In the United States, grocers need to put limits on rice purchases just to keep their shelves

How to Stop the Takeout Meal Cycle and Save

Takeout is tempting, but it's wreaking havoc on your savings. Stop the cycle with some savvy shopping and a little planning.

How to Save 10-20% on Online Purchases, Every Day

You don't have to be an extreme couponer to find great deals online. Learn how to get major discounts on online purchases, every day.

Little Known Trick to Getting Exclusive Travel Discounts and Rewards

Get more discounts and savings for travel when you use credit card websites.

11 Things You Can Do on Your Lunch Break to Change Your Life

After you finish stuffing your face at your desk, instead of returning to work (or Facebook), spend a few minutes focused on improving you.

Awesome Accomplishments: 50+ Questions to Ask Yourself and Figure Out What You've Done

Figuring out what you've accomplished at work is essential to demonstrating your value to employers. Here are 50+ questions to jumpstart the process of articulating awesome accompl

25 Simple Recipes for 25 Delicious Veggies

Maybe your CSA box is overflowing, or maybe you're just mixing up your meal routine. Either way, find delicious preparations for your veggies right here.

The 5 Hardest-to-Kill Houseplants

No matter how black your thumb, these hardy indoor growers will keep green whatever the level of inattention and neglect you care to give them.

10 Big Expenses You Can Easily Get Rid Of

The 80/20 rule applies to budgeting, too — 80% of your spend goes to 20% of your expenses. If you can cut those big costs, the savings are big, too.

6 Lessons on How to Be a Financial Grownup From Bobbi Rebell

How can you tell when you've become a financial grownup? Author Bobbi Rebell asks icons of the finance world to share their stories.

Book Review: The Road Out of Debt

The classic story of victory over debt is success through work and frugality. But real life is not always so positive, and that's why this book is so useful.

12 More Grammar Mistakes That Are Making You Look Stupid

Poor word choice and grammar mistakes definitely can make you look stupid. Worse — they can damage your career. Watch out for these common errors.

4 Amazing, Affordable Honeymoon Destinations

Your honeymoon shouldn't put you into debt. Celebrate the start of your marriage at these amazing and affordable destinations.

The 4 Best Investments for Lazy Investors

You really don't need a lot of money to get started investing. And you don't need a lot of time, either.

5 Reasons to Choose Traditional Books Over E-Books

Carrying around a tablet with tons of titles may be convenient, but there are some good reasons why you should keep those paper books on your shelf.

Jobless Americans Paying Fees for Unemployment Benefits

It seems crazy, but it's true — by receiving funds on prepaid cards, unemployed citizens are forced to pay fees to access cash when they need it the most.