Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Sell Your Home in a Seller's Market

Even in a hot market, smart sellers will work every advantage to get the maximum value out of a sale.

11 Great Apps for Book Lovers

Nothing beats the feel of a well-made book, but you can't carry your whole library with you to the park.

Can You Survive with One Car in Suburbia?

Do you live in suburbia? It seems everyone who does has two (or more) cars in their driveway. Is it a necessity for everyone, though? Is it possible to lead a one-car lifestyle whi

What Are Income Stocks?

Income stocks yield promising profit with little price variation. Find out if they're right for your portfolio.

To Buy or Not to Buy? Criteria for Thrift-Store Clothes Shopping

Do you enjoy thrift-store shopping? Here are tips for what to buy, and what NOT to.

12 Awesome Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar

From dressing your salad to softening your callouses, you'll find a use for apple cider vinegar in every room of your home.

5 Reasons Why It's OK to Get a Tax Refund

For most of us, getting a refund is not only more convenient, but the smarter choice as well.

5 Cars That Thieves Don't Touch (and 5 Simple Anti-Theft Tricks)

Do you drive one of the least-stolen cars in America? Read this to find out.

20 Places to Find the Best Freebies

Free stuff is pretty awesome, right? Here are the best places to find all the freebies you can handle.

4 Affordable Retirement Spots With World-Class Health Care

World-class health care doesn’t need to cost the an arm and a leg. These four affordable countries offer top quality facilities for retirees at a fraction of North American prices.

Here's What Happens If You Don't Leave a Will

More than half of Americans haven't created a will. Don't let your legacy be the burden of choices and decisions you leave behind.

The 5 Best Pressure Cookers

Don't be intimidated by pressure cookers — these easy-to-use kitchen tools can dramatically reduce cooking time.

7 Ways You're Wasting Gas Without Realizing It

There's nothing frugal about wasting gas. Lighten up your lead foot, tighten up your sidewalls, and spend less getting from here to there.

How to live on $12,000 a year

In my first job out of college, I was on 12,000 English pounds per year. That was back in London in 1996, i was single, lived with two friends and only had rent and travel to pay for. And I still remember how tough that was. [more]

How to Manage Money When You Hate Thinking About It

If the thought of managing your green has you seeing red, take heart; it doesn't have to be complicated!

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Summer Activities?

Tell us about your favorite summer activities and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

7 Ways to Stay Calm in Stressful Moments

Feel stress? Practice calm.

4 Surprising Reasons to Always Use Your Credit Card

Did you know that your credit card has built in protection for your purchases?

10 Small Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Finances

You have a steady job, and you think you have your finances in control — what could go wrong? Lots, if any of these minor mistakes trip you up.

Should You Repair a Dripping Faucet?

Sure, that dripping faucet might be annoying, but does it make financial sense to fix it? Find out with these simple calculations.