Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Cheap (and Creative) Valentine's Day Ideas

Today we found some great articles on cheap and creative Valentine's Day ideas, updating your life without emptying your wallet, and paying down debt.

Pricing Eggs, and New Egg Products

During my last trip to the grocery market, there was a sign in the egg case announcing that, yes, the price of eggs are rising. I’m guessing that there have been a few complaints.

Ask the Readers: What Expensive Purchases Have You Made That Saved You Money?

Tell us what expensive purchases you've made that saved you money, and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: Do You Take Surveys?

Tell us whether you take surveys and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Choosing the Right Mortgage Loan: 15 or 30 Years?

Getting a 15-year mortgage might seem like a no-brainer — it means you'll spend less overall — but there are good reasons to consider a 30-year as well.

Ask the Readers $200 Giveaway: Do You Have a Favorite Lifehack?

Do You Have a Favorite Lifehack? Enter for a chance to win $200 in prizes!

Ask the Readers: How Do You Work Exercise Into Your Day?

Tell us how you work exercise into your day and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: Curbing Spending With Pinterest

Today we found some stellar articles on curbing spending on Pinterest finds, getting financially ready for wedding season, career advice from graduation speeches.

Books on Uncle Sam's Shelf

I get free books in the mail every year. I don't have to review them, pay postage or do anything else with them. Uncle Sam sends them to me because I ask for them. These publicatio

Do You Love Money or Hate It? Either Way, You're Sick.

Do you love money and all things "green", or does your stomach turn at the very thought of it? Read on to explore and comment on where you fit into the spectrum.

Ask the Readers: Are You Prepared for a Natural Disaster in Your Area?

Tell us if you're prepared for a natural disaster and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Deposit insurance for money funds

Early this morning, the Treasury announced deposit insurance for money market mutual funds, provided that the fund pays a fee. The money to provide the insurance will come from th

Cultural Financial Problems and Learning to Cook: Wise Bread on Marketplace

Our Senior Editor was back on Marketplace Money recently, discussing how to have difficult financial conversations and learning to cook (not at the same time).

My Poverty-Fighting Superheroes

You never know -- your mild-mannered neighbor, co-worker, or long-time buddy may be a hero in the battle against poverty. He might prepare meals for the homeless; she might tutor a

Do Wantable's Statement Accessories Say Yay or Nay?

Wantable's accessories box yields beautiful, stylish jewelry at a deep discount, but do the savings make up for the cost for the service?

Beginning the Free Life Insurance Quote Process

If you have a high-risk condition or you're looking for a life insurance policy that doesn't require a medical exam, please give us a call!

Thanksgiving: 3 Ways (This Thanksgiving We're Going to Party Like It's 1621)

I’m celebrating Thanksgiving three times this year. In the spirit of the Plymouth colonists’ and Wampanoag Confederacy’s first dinner, I’m going to follow their example on what mak

Co-Signing for a Loan: 4 Things to Consider First

Co-signing a loan for anyone, including your child or best friend, could affect your credit. What to know before you sign.

FinCon13 Recap: Rapping, Scavenger Hunts, Interviews, and More!

#FinCon13 has come and gone and like most attendees, I'm going through withdrawals! Here are some of my highlights from the weekend!

What to Buy (and Avoid Buying) in November

Skip the iPad 3 Mini, but do reach for a new HDTV, which are stupendously cheap this month.