Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

13 Easy Ways to Improve Your Brain

Keep your brain in top form with these easy — and fun — exercises and resources. Go ahead, get smarter!

6 Harmful Money Beliefs That Are Keeping You Poor

For many, the only thing standing between scraping by and real financial security are some outdated beliefs. Are these ideas holding you back?

20 Habits You Must Start Right Now and Be a Better Person

Become the best possible version of you by developing these wholesome, productive habits. Once they've stuck, you're on your way!

39 Mindless Ways You're Wasting Money in Every Part of Your Life

There are so many ways you're probably wasting money — without even realizing it.

How to Buy a Mp3 Player

If you're in the market for a new MP3 player, here are some things to keep in mind.

Best Money Tips: Must-Have Car Features That Will Save You Money

Today we found articles on must-have car features that will save you money, the best hacks for saving on Black Friday, and ways to make money in the next hour.

What Happens When We're Not Logical With Money

People aren't always logical when it comes to spending money. A recent Nobel Prize winner uncovered some stunning examples.

6 Powerful Ways to Protect Your Money From Cyber Theft

Online banking is convenient and can help you budget and save, but it's not without risk. Protect your money with some easy security steps.

Eat Less Sugar With These 10 Simple Tricks

Cutting back on the sweet stuff isn't easy — but it's definitely worth it. Be sweeter to your health with some simple ways to go sugar-free.

Avoid IRS Penalties With This Simple Estimated Payment Strategy

If you work for yourself, or have a side job or other income, you may want to consider paying estimated quarterly taxes. It can save you money.

Best Money Tips: Awesome Frugal Date Ideas

Today we found some awesome articles on awesome frugal date ideas, tested tips for a frugal life, and inexpensive ways to keep kids entertained this summer.

Are you giving burglars the key to your home?

I’m lucky enough to know, both personally and through friends, some very nice guys in the local police departments. So when they reveal methods of criminals, I am all ears. This ti

Market Clones: How to Pay Drastically Less for Pricey Products

Marketers price their products at whatever the market will bear. But if one product is sold in two (or more) markets, one version is almost always cheaper.

6 Reasons Your Great Startup Business Is Doomed

While many of us fantasize about being our own boss, not everyone is cut out to be a business owner. Most likely, that includes you, too.

How to Prevent a Windfall Money Mistake

Whether the cash comes from the lottery, an inheritance, or a tax refund, planning a windfall strategy now can prevent money mistakes later.

12 Green Living Habits That'll Save You Every Month

With just a few small tweaks to your routine, soon you'll be treading lightly and carrying a heavy wallet.

How to File Your First Tax Return

Your first tax return can be a breeze if you follow these simple steps.

4 Ways Being Passive Kills Your Job Prospects

The job interview process can be hard. Don't let passive, uncertain acts destroy your chances of landing the job.

The Informational Interview: What Not To Say and More

I have encountered job seekers who had taken part in informational interviews but seemed to find them fruitless. Admittedly, having helped many clients using a straightforward appr

Weird Money Facts: 5 True Cases of Unbelievable Inflation

A dollar doesn't seem go as far as it used to, does it? Compared to these cases of inflation truly run amok, the dollar is the Rock of Gibraltar!