Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Save on Last Year's Taxes Right Now

You can still save on last year's taxes right now, if you still haven't filed your income tax return yet.

4 Signs You're Burned Out (and How to Recover)

What with work, the kids, the neighbors, burnout is never far off. Recognize the signs — and take steps to walk back from the brink.

Big Mistakes You Can Make When Selling Your Home

Selling your home can be stressful at the best of times. To ensure the process really goes well, avoid these common blunders.

Frugal Ways to Help Your Child Get the Best Education

Making sure your kids get the best education possible isn't always easy, but these resources can help you create a challenging curriculum on the cheap.

The Key To Making Money Online? Diversification, Baby!

Most of us are familiar with the term "diversification". Its what the well-respected analysts tell us to do with our investment portfolios to insure against the ups and d

Why You Don’t Need Mortgage Life Insurance

When you sign for your mortgage, you are offered mortgage life insurance as part of the deal, with liability forms to sign if you decline it. Which is better - mortgage life insura

It costs nothing to be nice.

I was in McDonald's this morning, returning a RedBox movie rental. I've seen a lot more of this place since I started using RedBox actually, and although I don't order

The 5 Best Dishwashing Detergents

If you're sick of water spots and grime that just won't come off, switch to one of these great dish detergents.

The 5 Best Dehumidifiers

A dehumidifier helps you beat back mildew and musty air -- find out which brands and models are worth adding to your shopping list.

9 Expensive Mistakes of the Newly Retired

Retirement always has a few bumps in the road. But these nine costly mistakes can derail you completely.

Do You Spend More with Cash or Credit?

I totaled up all my credit card expenses in 2010 to try to figure out if I spent more using credit than I would have with cash. Here's what I found.

Best Money Tips: Practical Driving Tips That Save Gas — And Money

Today we found articles on gas-saving driving tips, summer essentials that are good for your body and your budget, and sneaky ways to get paid for exercising.

5 Famous Overseas Film Settings You Can Visit on Any Budget

Have you ever fallen in love with a place after seeing it on the big screen? These overseas film settings are affordable and absolutely beautiful.

Top Three Tax Facts to Know for 2016

Hasn't tax day already come and gone? Yes, but it's never too early to start worrying about next year's taxes.

Quiz: Am I Really Ready to Buy a Home?

Buying your first home is a big accomplishment, but it comes with a lot of responsibility. Take our quick quiz to find out if you're ready to take the plunge.

What to Buy, and Avoid Buying, in February

Winter rolls on, as do the rolling discounts. Read on for the stuff you can buy cheap this month — and the stuff you should hold off on.

5 International Destinations You Can Visit for $50 a Day

Imagine traveling to an exotic country for less than the cost of a one week all-inclusive resort. Here are five places where that's possible!

33 Ways to Feel 10 Years Younger

Feel younger immediately with these easy tips you can try today!

The 5 Best Surround Sound Speakers

If you're saving money by watching movies at home, make your home entertainment system extraordinary with these surround sound speakers.

10 Things You Can Do Right Now to Become More Hirable

You can land that job by presenting the most hirable version of you. Here are 10 things you can do immediately to become more hirable.