Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The Absolute Worst Ways to Ask for a Raise

You deserve a raise. You know you do! But ask the wrong way, and you won't get a dime.

5 Money Lessons From Millionaires

When it comes to managing money, millionaire tactics tend to contain a surprising amount of common sense and frugality.

How to Sign Up for Health Care in 2018

Open enrollment to buy health insurance through the ACA starts on November 1. Here's what you need to know this year.

Suze Orman's Approved Card Gets Mixed Reviews and Controversy

Suze's new debit card stirred up controversy when she called a critic an "idiot." Are you stupid for not using this card?

Charitable giving - get a receipt

After the good-hearted decision to make a charitable donation, do some good for yourself and get a receipt! You can't deduct without one!

Pets, Old Cars, and 3 Other Common Money Pits

Beware the money pit. Whether it's a new puppy or a vintage muscle car, you might be jumping into more spending than you can afford.

The 5 Best Air Fresheners

Life gets messy, and those messes can stink. Try any of these five air fresheners to combat unpleasant smells and keep life fresh.

Six Horrible Financial Products You Should Avoid

Dealing with financial products can be very confusing and stressful, but there are some products that you should absolutely stay away from for the sake of your financial health. [more]

Seven Tips For Buying a Second Hand Car and Walking Away Happy

Here are a few tips to help make sure the second-hand car you are buying doesn't end up being a second-hand nightmare.

Your House Is a Hobby, Not an Investment

Never think of a house as an investment. Instead, think of it for what it really is — a time and money hole that can be fun to own.

Generic Drug Price Lists For Six Major Pharmacies - Updated

You've seen the ads on TV offereing $4 generic drugs, but then when you get your prescription filled it's not $4 at all. As it turns out, every pharmacy has their own slightly d

13 Things People With Good Table Manners Never Do

Everybody knows about elbows and tables, but what do you do if you're the subject of the toast? Learn that and more before your next fancy dinner.

31 Foolproof Ways to Lower Your Grocery Bill

From Meatless Mondays to rain checks, these supermarket money-savers will save you big on your next grocery run.

Canadians Try To Kill Your Pets - Pet Food Recall

Canada is at it again. This time, it's not mad cow (as far as we know), but will these insidious northerners never stop? [more]

25 Reasons Why You Should Take a Walk

Walking is simple, accessible, and good for the mind, body, community, and soul. If you're looking for an excuse to go for a walk, try one or two of these.

Frugalize any recipe

My wife picked up a cookbook at the library--one of those beautiful cookbooks with a gorgeous pictures of each dish. It had an above-average number of dishes that appealed to me.

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Biggest Monthly Expense?

Tell us about your biggest monthly expense and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Who to Hire: A Financial Planner or a Financial Adviser?

Believe it or not, financial advisers and financial planners are not the same thing!

8 Secrets to a Higher Car Trade-In Value

First? Get the gum out of the floor mats.

Never Miss Free Ice Cream Again: Complete Calendar of Annual Free Stuff Days

Companies big and small celebrate holidays famous and obscure with freebies. Find out when and where to get yours.