Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Which store-bought stain remover works best?

This is the first in what will be an ongoing series of blogs, subtitled "Andrea shamelessly promotes cute guys who make videos about vaguely interesting topics." Now, I know that o

Why You Should Be Saving Big With Bi-Weekly Mortgage Payments

Paying your mortgage every couple of weeks instead of monthly can shave thousands in interest costs, but going bi-weekly is not a simple as it seems.

Save a $100,000 with a Do It Yourself Taste Test

Conduct a do it yourself taste test and save $100,000. Decide whether you prefer the generic or brand name in one afternoon sitting.

Jumpstart Your Job Search With Instagram

Instagram is a lot of fun, but it can also be used strategically to help you land your next job. Really!

5 Things to Remember Every Time You Face a Financial Failure

Everybody falls down, even when it comes to their money. The key to success is getting back up again.

6 Reasons It's Never Too Late for a Career Change

Career stuck in a rut? Climb out!

Beyond Disney: 8 Affordable Family Destinations in the US

If you can't justify the high cost of a Disney vacation, check out one of these affordable family destinations around the U.S.

Delicious Ways to Prepare Affordable White Fish

Fish has plenty of protein and fewer calories than other meats — plus it's easy on the budget. Discover delicious ways to prepare frugal white fish.

5 Debt Lessons From Darth Vader

What can a villain teach us about getting out of debt? More than C-3PO can teach us about programming binary load-lifters.

10 Smart Ways I'm Spending My Tax Refund

Is Uncle Sam giving you a little something back this tax season? Here's how one Wise Bread writer is spending his to tie up some loose financial ends.

Saving Money Is Easy If You Set the Right Goals

There's a reason coaches and CEOs look for "goal-oriented" athletes and employees. Goals help us achieve more, whether touchdowns, profits, or savings.

10 Steps to Update Your Look on a Budget

Have nothing to wear? Use this simple plan to update your wardrobe without breaking the bank.

6 Cheap Ways to Entertain Your Kids This Summer

You don't need to go broke keeping your children active this summer. Some of the best summer activities don't cost anything at all.

Best Money Tips: How to Improve Yourself — Constantly

Today we found articles on ways to constantly improve yourself, how to save money on home repairs, and ways to save money by taking a vacation.

25 Ways to Feel Better Fast

Whether you're sick, sad, depressed, angry, or some combination of all four, use these quick and easy tricks to turn your mood — and your day — around.

Givin' 'em the Slip - Look Rich for Very Little

Give 'em the slip! The classic women's undergarment seems to have gone by the wayside. What's up with that?

7 Worst Reasons NOT to Buy a House

If you're avoiding homeownership, make sure it's not for one of these not-so-great reasons.

19 Fun, Cheap Projects to Try This Weekend

No plans this weekend? Try these fun and cheap weekend projects.

Seriously, Get Rid of Your Landline

Do you still have a telephone that plugs into the wall of your house? The number of people who do is dropping — and with good reason.

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Dream Job?

Tell us about your dream job and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!