Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Things You Should Always Order on Amazon

For these frequent household buys, Amazon's low prices and convenience really shine. Are you still buying these everyday goods at the store?

Here's What Happens If You Don't Leave a Will

More than half of Americans haven't created a will. Don't let your legacy be the burden of choices and decisions you leave behind.

Bottled Water, Bottled Hype Part 3

This is the third in a three-part series about bottled water. To read the first installment, click here. To read the second installment, click here. We’ve talked a bit about bottled water. [more]

3 Reasons Not to Save for Your Child's College Fund

It goes against common advice, but you might be better off not saving for your child's college education. Here's why.

5 Things a Homebuyer Shouldn't Say to a Seller's Agent

An open house is the perfect time to get the deets on your potential dream home. It's not the time to get chatty with the seller's agent.

Small, Cheap Steps to Weight Loss

If you prefer baby steps to great strides, try these tips and tricks for cutting calories from your diet and burning off some extra pounds.

Best Money Tips: 10 Big Ways Retirement Will Be Different in 2030

Today we found articles on ways retirement will be different in 2030, awesome travel site to find the cheapest flight, and how solar panels can save you a fortune.

4 Ways to Bounce Back From Job Rejection

Your interview went aces and you were already planning your commute to your new gig — then nothing. Redirect that rejection to something better.

10 Small Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Finances

You have a steady job, and you think you have your finances in control — what could go wrong? Lots, if any of these minor mistakes trip you up.

Clutter-Free: The Zero-Accumulation Household

Examine the best ways to embrace a zero-accumulation lifestyle and live clutter-free!

The 10 Biggest Lies We Tell Ourselves About Money

Who are you trying to kid, anyway? Quit telling yourself these major money lies.

5 Sneaky Ways Supermarkets Get You to Spend More

Want to know how grocery stores are parting you from your hard-earned cash? Learn about these supermarket psychology tricks.

Americans' savings rate up to almost 7% - who benefits?

According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the personal savings rate in May 2009 was 6.9%. This a 15 year high and a far cry from the negative savings rates of just a few yea

5 Everyday Words That Are Making You Look Stupid

Seriously, if you actually want to improve your social standing and status, work on eliminating these worn out words from your lexicon.

Weak Credit? You Can Still Get a Mortgage Despite Tough Lending Standards

Your credit score has seen better days, but that doesn't mean you can't get a mortgage. You have options!

Unexpected Roommates: How to Get Rid of Roaches

People say that these bugs will survive a nuclear apocalypse with good reason, but there are (thankfully) effective ways to get rid of roaches.

8 Sacrifices That Will Supercharge Your Debt Payoff

They won't seem like sacrifices when debt is no longer hanging over your head.

The 3 Best Pieces of Financial Wisdom From Oprah Winfrey

There's nothing Oprah can't do — including offer some stellar financial advice. Learn how to handle your money from an icon with plenty.

Are You Spending Too Much on "Normal" Expenses?

What is normal, anyway? When it comes to your spending, these numbers show how you stack up against the average.

6 Hidden Dangers of Credit Card Balance Transfers

We're advocates of credit balance transfers as part of a debt reduction plan, but that doesn't mean the strategy is risk-free. Here's what to watch out for.