Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Popsicle Molds

Store-bought popsicles are great, but the DIY versions are even better. Just use any of these popsicle molds and your summer treat game will be on point.

15 Things to Get Done Before Year-End

Start 2014 healthy, wealthy, and oh-so wise by doing these 15 things before the end of 2013.

How to Spend Less on Everything in 2014

Many of us probably resolved to "spend less" this year, but didn't give the "how" much thought. Here are five "how's" to get you started.

Thrive as a Starving Writer--Lessons from the Experts

The web is full of advice for starving writers. And why not? Any writer has heard the advice "Write what you know," and one thing many writers know is about being a starving writer

Best Money Tips: 5 Must-Haves for Personal Finance Success

Today we found articles on the essentials of personal finance success, ways to save on school and work lunches, and shopping tips for Kohl’s customers.

5 Ways to Get Junk Gone

The beginning of the new year always seems like a good time to get rid of things that you've been meaning to. But some junk you just can't get rid of on Freecyle or Craigslist. He

Flying With Valuables? Keep Them Safe And Carry A Gun!

Worried about the safety of your valuables when you fly? Carry a gun and you'll keep them safe.

Are YOU on This List of Cushiest Retirement Jobs?

If you think the retirement benefits at your job leave more to be desired, consider one of these alternatives!

Best Money Tips: Avoid These Purchases During the Holidays

Today we found articles on purchases to avoid during the holidays, creative Starbucks drinks that only cost $3, and how to talk to your aging parents about money.

Best Money Tips: 7 Ways to Help a Family Member Financially

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we give you everything you need to know before

One Thing You Need to Do to Be Happy and Improve Your Relationships

Discover how one technique can help you move forward, joyfully.

Best Money Tips: 75 Things You Don't Need to Buy

Today we found articles on things you really don’t need to buy, budget-friendly ways to do retail therapy, and apps that pay you for your selfies.

Best Money Tips: Beware These Online Degree Scams

Today, we share online degree scams to avoid, unusual ways to use nail polish, strategies for secondhand shopping, and an ingenious way to color your drinks.

Best Money Tips: Encouraging Entrepreneur Children

Today we found some great articles on encouraging entrepreneur children, how to fly for free, and passive income ideas that work.

7 Frugal Lessons I Learned from Charlie Sheen

Sure, Charlie Sheen appears erratic. But he has things to teach all of us about how to live a frugal lifestyle. Here are 7 ways he can make you a winner in a down economy.

The 4 Most Overpriced U.S. Housing Markets

If you're looking to buy in one of these four overheated markets, you may want to act fast — or reconsider buying at all.

How to Get People to Work for You Cheap (or Free)

There are several ways you can still get quality people to work for you for very little, or deferred payment, or even free.

3 Ways Obama's Free Community College Deal Will Help You

The President's community college proposal is not only good for students. Find out how it can help the rest of us, too.

The Ads That Are Part of Your Life

From the do-everything guys of Dos Equis and Old Spice to Snickers' hunger alter-egos, do you find yourself reciting these popular ad campaigns?

6 Tax Penalties You Can Easily Avoid

Your money is hard earned. Don't waste it on these five easily avoidable tax penalties.