Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The Encouraging Truth About How Americans Are Covering the Cost of College

Everybody knows college is expensive, but just how much are people really paying out of pocket? A recent survey sheds some light.

Cool & funky things I found FREE on Craigslist

It's amazing what people will throw away these days. Or give away. And that's why I'm a huge fan of Craigslist . [more]

Living Without Air-Conditioning Can Save Big Bucks This Summer

Living in 90 degree weather with over 70 percent humidity the past few days has not been easy here in rural Nebraska. Hearing others complain about it only makes it worse -- especially knowing that they probably have air-conditioning. [more]

Breathe Easy: 10 Natural Air Fresheners

Deodorizers and disinfectants don't have to be full of chemicals. Freshen your space the frugal, all-natural way with these eco-friendly ideas.

5 Money Moves to Make the Moment You Decide to Get Divorced

Finding a lawyer is the instinctive first move when a marriage falls apart. Making these critical money decisions should be second.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Pantry Staples?

Tell us about your favorite pantry staples and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Save Enough on Meat to Buy a Chest Freezer

I ended my worries over where our beef comes from by investing in a quarter cow and a chest freezer. I considered the cost of the freezer as the cost of having the hormone-free, no

Peer to Peer Lending: Prosper Marketplace or Lending Club?

Whether you're a borrower or investor, here is a quick comparison guide on the two largest peer to peer lending companies.

6 Simple Money Milestones Anyone Can Hit

Mega money goals can feel overwhelming. Check these simpler ones off your list while you're grinding toward the big ones.

Voluntary Slavery

Discover one writer's take on why the "voluntary slavery" of our personal financial situations can keep us from acting in our best interest.

8 Great, Cheap Summer Vacations

Don't let your summer vacation empty your wallet. Whether you're looking for excitement or relaxation, try one of these frugal getaways.

Here's How You Should Budget Your Social Security Checks

You don't get to quit budgeting just because you've retired. Actually, if you collect Social Security benefits, it's more important than ever.

Frugal is More than a Way to Spend Money, Part 2

Frugal is a way of life — are you spending too much, or too little?

Cancel Student Loans to Save — and Receive an Interest-Free 120-Day Loan

What's an easy way to have less debt? Return money you don't need. In federal loan lingo, it's called "canceling" your loan, and it can save you a lot.

Always Answer the Call: Expert Advice on Debt Collection

Michelle Dunn has experience as both a debt collector and as a debtor. Get her expert advice on dealing with collections agencies.

Help From a Former Pack Rat: Getting Rid of Stuff

Sometimes, the line between "frugal" and "pack rat" can seem oh so fine. Here's what helped me overcome my pack rat tendencies.

9 Ways You Are Sabotaging Your Weekly Grocery Budget

Give your grocery list a modest makeover and you can save BIG.

What to Expect When You're Expecting a Huge Credit Card Bill

That hefty credit card bill finding it's way to your mailbox is packing a punch — and to more than just your wallet.

20 Free (or Really Cheap) Ways to Relieve Stress

The kids, the spouse, the boss, the car, the job, the news — the stress! Take the edge off and be the better you with these frugal ways to chill.

Need a job? Apply to become a Census enumerator

The Census Bureau produces an important set of demographics data about the United States every ten years. The 2010 Census is coming up soon and the Bureau is hiring thousands of t