Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

21 Uses for Salt (Besides Seasoning)

Salt isn't just a way to make food more flavorful. From cheap cleaning to budget beauty and more, discover more great things to do with salt.

8 Secrets to a Debt-Free Holiday Season

The holidays should be about family and fun and celebration — not about acquiring debt. Here's how to enjoy the former while avoiding the latter.

25 Frugal Ways to "Pay It Forward"

Paying it forward — doing something nice for someone else — makes that person feel great AND improves your day. Here's how to do it frugally.

Avoid Dinner Stress: Pay Someone to Plan Your Meals

If you're stressed about making dinner, paying someone to plan your meals can be worth the cost in reducing stress — and it can reduce your grocery bill.

11 Signs the Job Is Too Good to Be True

If a job sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Keep on the lookout for these sure signs of a shady job offer.

Poverty Makes You Stupid

Whether you're short money or time, the lack impairs your ability to think clearly and find abundance. A new way of looking at scarcity may offer a way out.

5 American Cities Where You Can Retire On Just Social Security

If Social Security is your primary post-retirement income, it may be time to move. Maybe to one of these five low-cost U.S. cities.

Half of Americans Are Wrong About Their Retirement Savings

Most Americans have no idea what their retirement outlook is, for better or worse. Are you one of them?

5 Hidden Comforts to Consider When Choosing an Airline

Flying economy is no picnic, but if you know what to look for, you can find the flight with the most comfortable mix of seat width and amenities.

16 Festive Ways to Make Extra Money for the Holidays

For many the holidays mean more stress and more spending. For those with the entrepreneurial spirit, the holidays mean more cash.

How Just $5 a Day Can Improve Your Financial Future

Want to improve your financial future? All you need is $5 per day.

8 Times to Avoid Dividend Stocks

Dividends can be a neat way to watch "free money" roll in, but beware. Sometimes you're better off without the cash.

Are You Getting These 5 Things for Free?

There are some honest-to-goodness free things out there, if you know where to find them. Make sure you're not missing out on these five.

11 Ways to Save Money on Holiday Travel

For many of us, travel can often be the most expensive part of the holiday season. But with some planning and foresight, holiday travel doesn’t have to be a budget buster.

10 Ways You Disrespect Your Money

Look after your money and it'll look after you. Mistreat it, and it'll do the same to you.

Save Enough on Meat to Buy a Chest Freezer

I ended my worries over where our beef comes from by investing in a quarter cow and a chest freezer. I considered the cost of the freezer as the cost of having the hormone-free, no

How to Buy a New Computer Without Breaking Your Budget

Yes, you can buy a new computer without destroying your budget.

How to Get Out of Social Obligations That Break Your Budget

Stressed out over how to handle those birthday parties, weddings, and social invites you can't afford? Learn how to bow out gracefully.

Food Going Bad Quickly? Here's How to Fix It

Spoiled snacks keep ending up in the trash? Stop wasting food (and cash!) by learning how to store it properly.

6 Reasons to Become Self-Employed

Whether its selling cosmetics and beauty products, marketing your own personal invention or selling drop-ship items through eBay, there's just something really sexy about the idea