Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Get Health Insurance If You Missed the Open Enrollment Deadline

Missed the Open Enrollment deadline? Avoid a coverage gap by taking advantage of these other ways to sign up.

5 Kinds of Insurance Every Retiree Should Consider

Your insurance needs change over time. When you reach retirement, they'll change again.

Our high, high standard of living

In the 1950s and 1960s, a working man could support a family at a middle-class standard of living with just one income. It might surprise you to learn that one person working full

No Money for a Week? Here’s What to Do.

Don't have a nickle to your name? Time to buckle down for a week and weather the storm. Here's how to survive it — and make sure it doesn't happen again.

Ask The Readers: Do You Have Pets?

Tell us whether or not you have pets and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Avoid Bank Fees

How do you avoid bank fees? Read the stuff from your bank and understand what services are free and what services aren't.

Best Money Tips: Essential Tips to Manage Your 401(k)

Today we found articles on tips for managing your 401(k), steps you can take to get your tax refund ASAP, and how to hustle as a new parent.

6 Easy Ways to Protect Your Debit Card From Skimmers

Swiping without a second thought is an easy way to fall victim to debit card skimmers.

7 Little White Lies That Can Save You Money

Sometimes it's OK to fudge the truth in the name of saving money.

9 Must-Have Items You Need to Create the Perfect Remote Office

Working from anywhere in the world is a freelancer's dream, but in order to make it a reality, you need the right office items.

20 Ways to Live Large in a Small Space

Clutter piles up fast and eats up your square footage — especially if you live in a small space. Make the most of the space you have with these simple space makers.

6 Cheap Date Ideas for Nature Lovers

You don't have to spend your entire paycheck to have a romantic evening out. Just venture out into the great outdoors!

The 5 Best Stay-At-Home Fitness Essentials

With local gyms and parks closed, you'll need to get creative if you want to maintain your regular workouts. Luckily, a few key items will help you set up the perfect home gym.

6 Ways the Government Helps Disaster Victims Recover

The government is playing a vital role in helping disaster victims get back on their feet. Find out how your tax dollars work!

What Small Business Owners Can Learn From Top Forbes Entrepreneurs

No road to success is the same, but here are some great lessons from top Forbes entrepreneurs.

Why Your IRA Shouldn't Double as an Education Savings Plan

Your IRA may have the option to help pay for college, but that doesn't mean it should be your go-to education savings plan.

7 Common Travel Myths That People Need to Stop Believing

You've always wanted to travel more, but you worry about the cost or the risks or the inconvenience. Good news -- your worries are probably unfounded.

17 Uses for Stale Bread

Using up leftover bread is not only frugal, it's delicious. Make sure you eat every last crumb of that aging loaf with these recipes.

10 Things to Know Before You Start a Home Improvement Project

Don't take a hammer to that wall you want to tear down until you consider these things first.

14 Awesome Credit Card Perks You Didn't Know About

Make sure you read the fine print on your credit card member agreement. You may be getting more than you bargained for — in a good way.