Articles on Frugal Living

Mom and Dad, Your Financial Decisions Matter

With Mother's Day in the recent past and Father's Day two days ago, I wanted to give credit where credit is due and encourage all the parents out there who are trying to teach their kids abou [more]

What You Don't Know About Sushi

Think you know a thing or two about sushi, eh? I thought the same thing until Trevor Corson, author of The Zen of Fish made a guest appearance on my local radio station to dispe

Living Without Air-Conditioning Can Save Big Bucks This Summer

Living in 90 degree weather with over 70 percent humidity the past few days has not been easy here in rural Nebraska. Hearing others complain about it only makes it worse -- especially knowing that they probably have air-conditioning. [more]

How to Get Rid of Your Junk

A few weeks ago, I took a seminar called "Commanding Your Clutter" at a local community college. Here's what I learned about collecting, hoarding, shopping, and finally, letting go

Going Short at Starbucks: Worth It?

News about the "secret" Starbucks short cup is now over a year old, but people still don't believe me when I tell them about this little treasure. For those who may not have heard

Who Moved My Stuff?

If you ever want to take stock of all that you’ve worked hard to purchase over time, and how much stuff you think you need to hang on to, go through each and every possessio [more]

Wedding Dresses for Under $200

Target is offering wedding dresses for under $200! Now, I've been griping lately about imported Chinese goods. These Isaac Mizrahi gowns are probably sewn in sweatshops in Asia, so mentioning them here isn't meant as a promotion per se. [more]

Father's Day: What does Dad really want?

Given that you, your father’s child, are physically healthy, emotionally stable, and reasonably educated (his top priorities), what does your dad really want besides a visit or call from you? [more]

Resisting the impulse beauty buy

Are you an impulse beauty shopper? [more]

101 things to do with a $1 bill.

What can a dollar buy you these days? Certainly not a gallon of gas, which it could have done 6 years ago. Anyway, this idea actually came out of a lunchtime chat with some friends. [more]

Possible Backlash Against Cheap Imports?

Is there a backlash against cheap Chinese imports coming? I, for one, secretly hope so. We've known that it can't last forever, haven't we? [more]

Fine Dining on a Take-Out Budget

Looking for a first-rate meal on a take-out budget? Head over to your local culinary school for a great meal at a low price. Nearly all culinary schools have student-run restaurant

Do you have what you want… and do you want what you have?

Sometimes, being frugal means not just saving money; sometimes it means not spending any at all. There’s been a growing preoccupation with working more to earn more--to buy more; y

You know you're a Wisebread reader if...

What makes a Wisebread reader? Why are you guys so, well, special? I sat, I pondered, I scribbled down notes furiously. This is what I came up with. It's a small list, just 30 entries. [more]

Frugal... or just plain wrong?

You know what I love? Getting something for nothing. Oh, it's rare. It's also sort of greedy and raises all kinds of ethical questions. [more]

Revel in a corporation's misfortune - all Discovery Channel stores to close

I don't like to see good stores close. Especially an Aladdin's cave like The Discovery Store, which offers great educational toys and videos and is just a pleasure to walk around on a Saturday afternoon. [more]

Stop Being a Slave to Starbucks - How to Quit Caffeine

I'm not one to advocate for a boycott of caffeine or anything. But, if you're already thinking about quitting caffeine, here are some reasons, and methods, for doing so.

Never go shopping unless you're armed with a cell phone.

"It seems like a great deal, but maybe it's cheaper somewhere else?" I've said those words a lot, maybe not out loud but certainly in my head. [more]

A (by no means definitive) list of some cool (and free!) additions for your blog or website

As a supplement to my last post about using WordPress to set up a personal or business website for free (minus the price of domain name registration and/or hosting), here are some ideas for [more]

10 frugal things to try before you die (updated)

Well, I say frugal but some of these cross that line from frugality into something less honorable. But hey, live a little. We all have to try new things sometimes. [more]