
The Gasoline Pump "Y2K" Problem

Here in San Mateo County, many gas stations are starting to sport prices above $4.00 per gallon. The trusty Gas and Shop down the street is still holding on to $3.93 per ga

Introducing an Amazing Suite of Web Tools for Creative People

Are you an artist at heart and love to dabble with photography and videos? Do you find that Photoshop and video editing tools are too expensive and cumbersome to use? Well, now t

The one website everyone needs to read (apart from WB of course)

I like to keep up with all the latest news and info. I'm a big fan of Digg, BBC news, NPR, CNN, all the usual suspects. I thought I was fairly well-versed on the places to get

Finding the Right Job: There’s Plenty of Phish in the Sea

My husband and I are no strangers to the job hunt scene. Before he was even out of college, we were scouring the newspapers, searching the onli

Hack a Mac!

If you're like me, the closest you get to hacking anything is when you are allowed to carve the turkey at Thanksgiving. But lately, I've been inspired to learn how to do all those techy things that my nerdy friends seem so good at. [more]

The $100 laptop...for sale to the public?

Fancy a brand new hand-cranked laptop for a few hundred bucks? Well, it may just happen. It seems plans are afoot to offer the $100 laptop for sale to the general public, and not just the poor children of the world. [more]

iPhone - More features unveiled

I know we've had a lot of chit-chat back and forth over the past month about the iPhone. Well, it looks like those boffins are giving you even more value for money. I particularly like the sideburns. [more]

Free Ways to Keep Big Brother Out of Your Bidness

Cell Phone Madness I just love finding out that the government can find new and unique ways to listen in on our lives. [more]

Mr. Cheap Stuff: Who do you think you are?

We're chatting with Dean Takamine, the savvy saver behind Mr. Cheap Stuff. Here's the low-down on his love of deals!