Best Money Tips: C'mon In, The Water's Fine


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup, and Happy Canada Day! What, you've never heard of Canada Day? That's because I just made it up. Canada's not even a place; I just made that up, too. Where was I? Oh, yes. Independence Day, that one. Wow, it's almost here, which means that summer is getting close to being half over. That makes me sad, does it make you sad? Good, now read these linked articles and feel better. At least there are people out there who know more about finance than you do, and that is good.

Heh, Canada Day. I kill me!

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In this recession market selling or purchasing is very much tough for every one and we should careful about our each and every step. And at this moment we need Split-dollar agreement.

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Hi Andrea, thank you for including me in your round up. I thought Moolanomy was pretty easy when I registered it. If you're really looking for a hard name to remember, try this one: :-)

Andrea Karim's picture

Yes, I almost included Pecuniarities and made it a "tough blog names to spell" edition of best of personal finance. Actually, Moolanomy isn't so bad as far as spelling - whenever I look at it, I have say it in my head over and over. I think it's supposed to be pronounced "moo-LAH-nuh-mee", like economy, yes? But for some reason, my brain wants to say "Moo-lay Money", and so I almost spell it that way every time.

Mind you, you are talking to someone who can never rememer if it's Wise Bread or Wisebread, so it's not like it takes much to confuse me.

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Actually Canada Day is a real day - July 1st - when we celebrate that we are not totally taken over by the Americans

Guest's picture

Aw, that's cute - Canadians think that they aren't totally taken over by Americans!

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thanks for the link! Watch out, those Canadians may invade some day. Haven't you seen the movie, "Canadian Bacon"?

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Indeed, Squawkfox is hard to type and hard to speak, but it's always fun to read. ;)

Thanks for the Canada Day Linky Love (Yes, I be a Canuck!)