Make Loyalty Shopping More Efficient with


Have you ever gone to the grocery store and tried to sort through the ten different loyalty cards on your key ring? Just the other day, my cashier (who was an elderly woman) nearly snapped a wrist juggling my ten ton of keys so that I may save $.30 on hamburger meat. What a pain it can be but what discounts the loyalty cards bring! So how can you make your life simpler?

 Well, go and visit the website The folks there can help you downsize your life by creating one easy-to-use key card to accommodate all of your loyalty cards on just one card. You'll never have to worry about leaving home without your discount card or club membership again. has created a way for you to do away with your big stack of cards so you still get the savings and the discounts without being weighted down by a ton of cards. You can consolidate 6 different cards on one card and you can include almost any membership or club card you want. Stores with membership cards that require photo identification may not accept's  card without photo ID proof so check with your local store to confirm before adding the card and destroying your original one..

In addition to the convenient key ring card, the website also offers a centralized location to sign up for other store cards (this feature is still in the works) and get information about promotions and services in one single online place. The coolest part for consumers is that it is a free service. There is a small charge (around $2) for the nice, shiny, waterproof cards but you can essentially download and print at home without the charge. The website does not require any personal financial information to get your cards and there are no security issues should you lose your card.

 As a consumer in a tough economy, membership benefits may now mean a bit more to your savings plan than in the past so if you don't belong to any club saver programs for retail stores, grocery stores, or other store, you can really knock off a few bucks using loyalty cards whenever you shop. It may seem like a hassle, but hey – saving money is a process. If you work through that process, the results will speak for themselves.

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Guest's picture

I've been using Just One Club Card for about a year now, and been very pleased with it. The only things I've not been able to make it take are my library card and my Hancock Fabric card.

Guest's picture

It's called my phone number.

When you sign up for most cards, you have to hand that over. If you forget your card, guess what they ask for to do the lookup? Are you likely to forget your phone number? I assume others in the world regularly use their phone numbers as well since cashiers these days seem to react reflexively when I say the magic words: "Can I use my phone number?" Since I carry around my phone number with me all the time, I leave the plastic cards behind.

Granted, this works primarily at supermarkets - sams, costco, bjs, other bulk item stores you'd need the photo id.

If you really don't like saying your phone number in public, this service sounds like the way to go. I don't really consider my phone number all that private though (i.e. white pages).

Tisha Tolar's picture

Granted phone numbers can work to retrieve your account information but I have run into the problem in the past where I have had an account for some time and changed phone numbers, leaving me unable to remember which number was used to open the account and the cashier apparently couldn't come up with any other way to find it....

Guest's picture

These keyringthings sound like a great idea for sorting all your loyalty cards out!