Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Wanna Put Away Some Cash? Take A Vacation!

A cruise to the Bahamas or a trip to that luxury spa aren’t going to get you ahead financially. However, if you’re looking to sock away a coupl

Use Beer to Get Rid of Pests

Humans aren't the only creatures that like drinking beer — all sorts of creepy, crawly, and furry things do too. Learn how to use suds to keep pests at bay.

5 Cheap International Vacation Destinations

These budget vacation destinations provide all of the culture and scenery you crave from international travel without the cost of big-name spots.

6 Ways to Resist a Splurge

A sure way to bust a budget is to cave in to every wish and whim. Get control of your urge to splurge and regain control of your money.

7 Types of People Who Will Help Grow Your Career

Some people help your career flourish. You just have to know who they are and where to find them.

12 Reasons You Can't Focus — And How to Fix It Now

A wandering mind is no friend to productivity. If you can't focus, it might be due to these 12 unhealthy habits.

4 Coupon Rules That Stores Let You Break

Couponing is an art form. Know how to bend these rules, and watch the savings follow.

Reverse Bucket List: Look Back Before Looking Forward

Before you make a “bucket list” of things you want to do in life, don't skip this vital first step — it could be the key to happiness.

3 Ways to Ban Spam and Stop Junk

Junk mail kills trees; Spam and unsolicited phone calls kill your day. Here's the best way to get rid of all three!

25 Reasons Why It's Good to Know Your Neighbors

When there's something strange in the neighborhood, who ya gonna call? Your neighbors, of course! Discover all the great reasons to know who's next door.

This Japanese Budgeting System Could Be the Key to Saving Big Bucks

In Japan, saving money is a big deal. Here's the simple system many households use to hang onto more of their yen.

5 Reasons Why It's OK to Get a Tax Refund

For most of us, getting a refund is not only more convenient, but the smarter choice as well.

4 Ways to Buy a House Without a Mortgage

No mortgage? No problem. You can still purchase the home of your dreams.

5 Ways Carry-On Luggage Can Save You Time and Money

Airline travel is not much fun, so it makes sense to reduce the burden by packing less and not checking bags. You'll save time, money, and hassle.

The Psychology of Free, and Its Power Over You

From Craigslist to grocery samples, free stuff is everywhere. Understand how marketers use "free," the psychology behind it, and how it affects your habits.

13 International Crock-Pot Recipes That Are Out of This World

Life's too short to make the same slow cooker dishes week after week. Expand your crock-pot horizons with these recipes that span the globe.

5 Killer Free Investment Tools

If you want to increase your investing knowledge, you don't need to pay the big bucks — just delve into these free resources.

The Best Credit Cards For Military Personnel and Families

Military families can get special benefits from credit cards, such as waived annual fees. Check out these great cards for service men, women, and their families.

Sure Savings at the Supermarket

A SURE way to save 20-25% on many of your groceries? Oh, yes, and it couldn't be simpler!

How to Delegate at Work and at Home in 4 Easy Steps

Delegating may be the busy person's best productivity tool. Learn how to get the results you want while strengthening relationships.