Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Unexpected Moving Expenses

I thought I had my DIY move totally budgeted, only to be hit with hidden costs.

20 Gluten-Free Lunch Ideas

It's easy to save money by packing a sandwich for lunch...unless you have a gluten allergy. Use these recipe ideas to brown-bag it while avoiding gluten.

7 Budget Gifts You Can Bring to a Holiday Party

Show the hostess or host your appreciation for the invite with a clever, affordable, and adorable gift such as one of these.

6 Genius Ways to Stock Up on School Supplies

Buying new calculators and backpacks shouldn't leave you broke. Here's how to cash in on big savings during the back-to-school season.

13 Food Items to Always Buy in Bulk

You don't have to buy everything in bulk to save — who has the space? Just be sure to make room for these staples that are cheaper by the dozens.

10 of the Coolest Sayings About Saving

Saving money is cool. Here are 10 easy-to-remember ways to remind yourself.

5 Obstacles You Can Expect on Your Journey to Financial Freedom

The road to financial freedom is paved with good intentions — and there are a few potholes along the way, too.

How Retailers Manipulate You Into Spending

Whether you're at the mall or online, retailers have plenty of tricks to help separate you from your cash. Learn what they are so you can shop smarter.

4 of the Fastest Ways to Go Broke in Retirement

Retirement should be for relaxing. But if you keep up these four habits, you'll spend your golden years broke.

Best Money Tips: How to Succeed Even When You Fail

Today we found articles on how to fail successfully, must-have items for business travelers, and recipes for DIY organic makeup.

Why You Should Still Pay Attention to Bitcoin

After a winter of high valuations — and high profile heists — Bitcoin has lost some of its luster. Is it still worth anybody's attention?

Extra Income Online: 5 Websites That Can Seriously Pad Your Pockets

Boost your bank account with these websites that'll have you earning extra cash in a flash.

6 Foods That Are Actually Cheaper At Whole Foods

We don't often visit "Whole Paycheck" when we're shopping for cheap eats. But for some staples, Whole Foods is surprisingly affordable.

6 Easy Ways to Use Technology to Save on Christmas Shopping

Put some of the whiz-bang gadget gifts you received last year to work. That tech can save you big on this year's holiday shopping.

11 Spring Break Budget Busters to Avoid

Before you get your party on this spring break, make sure these major budget busters don't end up being a buzzkill.

Taco Tuesday: The Inner Mechanics of Budgeting on Vacation

I recently found myself sitting around a dinner table in Hawaii with a number of new traveling acquaintances. We met at the place of accommodation we were staying at, and enjoyed e

Do a Background Check Before Hiring Your Financial Advisor

Are you looking to hire a financial advisor but worried they might be next Madoff. Before doing so, be sure to do a background check to see if you can find any clues that might pre

4 Retirement "Rules of Thumb" That Actually Work

Take some guesswork out of retirement planning with these four financial rules of thumb. They really do work!

6 Times You Should Never Take a Loan

You need money fast. Or do you? A loan should never be taken lightly and if you're buying something frivolous, or your credit is poor, reconsider.

3 Times Bankruptcy Is the Right Move

A bankruptcy can take a terrible toll on your credit and your financial future. But sometimes it's the only way to escape debt and start anew.