Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 6 Surprising Things That Tell You How Long You'll Live — and How to Improve Them All

Death happens slowly — and then all at once. Learn to identify some early warning signs, and take steps to forestall the inevitable.

Best Money Tips: Secret Tactics for Shopping at Warehouse Stores

Today we found some terrific articles on secret tactics for shopping at warehouse stores, getting organized even when you don’t have time, and conquering indecision.

Best Money Tips: Vacation Trends That Help You Save

Today we found some awesome articles on vacation trends that help you save, how cleaning your house can make you money, and ways to find your passion.

5 Reasons Fighter Brands Fail

A successful fighter campaign may eliminate the competition and open a new, lower-end market for the company, but the consequences of a failed fighter brand can ruin its parent

Get Rid of Bad Customers

Bad customers are costing you more than you realize. Here are some types of bad customers and techniques to get rid of them (without alienating your good customers).

Are Your Finances Fragile?

Many households are just one layoff, one illness, one interest-rate hike away from financial catastrophe. Follow these strategies to avoid being one of them.

Best Money Tips: Best and Worst Deals at Trader Joe's

Today we found some terrific articles on the best and worst buys at Trader Joe’s, 10 things you’ll pay more for this year, and the keys to a better life.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save on Airfare

Today we found some great articles on ways to save on airfare, how to save up for anything, and saving money while in college.

Going Without Health Insurance in 2015? Here's What It'll Cost You

The fines for going without health insurance are ticking up this year. Are you covered or will you pay a fine?

The 5 Best Telescopes

Getting a good look at all the stars in the sky isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these telescopes and you can gaze all you want upon the galaxies.

11 Ways to Earn Extra Cash From Thrift Stores

A single parent tight for cash shopped thrift stores to save — until one day he figured out he could earn money thrifting, too. Learn his secrets.

5 Business Blogs that Can Boost Your Bottom Line

Stay up to date on business trends and discover new insights at these five forward leaning business blogs.

Entrepreneurs Versus Managers: Which are You?

Entrepreneur or manager? Either can build successful businesses. You've just got to know which one you are.

Business Lunch Etiquette 101

Good table manners and basic etiquette aren't just for visits to Gramma's house. They're good for business, too.

Ring. Ring. Ka-ching! Lying About Your Telephone Tax

I haven't had a landline in years. I'm dead serious. Years. So, I was bummed to hear that this year, the "sorry you were cheated initially when we taxed you too much" refund that we get back is for long distance telephone service. [more]

Best Money Tips: Ways Travel Can Help You Get a Job

Today we found some awesome articles on ways travel can help you get a job, 80-20ing your finances, and bundling insurance policies.

Car Yoga and 9 Other Ways to Beat Long Drives

The great American road trip — you know, spending hours, or even days, behind the wheel. Learn how to survive your next gruelling drive.

Get your PC to give you coffee, bacon or even an orgasm.

As a frugal shopper, I like to make my products work hard. [more]

14 Reasons You're Bad at Exercising

It's easy to want to get fit and exercise more. It's even easier to to make excuses and skip it instead. What's holding you back?

Best Money Tips: The Lifehacker Edition

Today we sought out some of the best lifehack tips from around the web!