Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 10 Offensive Phrases No One Is Telling You About

A lot of the stock phrases we use have much darker meanings than we probably intend. Be careful what you say!

6 Podcasts for Travel Lovers

Thinking about what to do with next year's PTO? These podcasts will inspire your wanderlust.

Best Money Tips: Reasons Why Your Grocery Bill Is Too High

Today we found articles on reasons why your grocery bill is too high, car-care myths to leave in the dust, and how to have a beautiful yard on a shoestring budget.

6 Frugal Promises I Have Not Kept

I have made a number of public declarations of my frugal ambitions over the years here on Wise Bread. Here are some of my biggest failures.

How to Get Hired by Your Dream Company

If your dream gig is more of a "who" than a "what," learn how to go the extra mile to get hired.

6 Age Milestones That Impact Your Retirement

You can drive at 16 and vote at 18. Don't forget, though, that important age milestones come later in life, too.

6 Affordable Kid-Free Vacation Ideas

You've earned some time away from the kiddos. These trips will let you enjoy some kid-free time without breaking the bank.

Search Online for a Fix before You Toss that Broken Gadget

My husband and I often search online for fixes to our electronics problems because if a gadget is out of warranty it often costs quite a bit to get it fixed. When we find a soluti

This Is How You Downsize Your Home and Start Living a Better Life

Enjoy the benefits of a smaller home without missing your old square footage with these easy planning and organization tips.

Gluten-Free, Carb-Free Noodles

Noodles are typically made from wheat or rice, which means carbs and gluten galore. But behold, noodle lovers, there are other (super low-calorie!) noodle options.

8 Giveaways That People Were Just Talking About You

Our ears aren't actually very reliable when it comes to sensing gossip and busybodies. Here's what to look for instead of toasty earlobes.

How to Plan for a Forced Early Retirement

Eighteen percent of Americans are forced to retire early. Are you prepared for an early retirement?

How Just $5 a Day Can Improve Your Financial Future

Want to improve your financial future? All you need is $5 per day.

Living Without Air-Conditioning Can Save Big Bucks This Summer

Living in 90 degree weather with over 70 percent humidity the past few days has not been easy here in rural Nebraska. Hearing others complain about it only makes it worse -- especially knowing that they probably have air-conditioning. [more]

10 of America's Awesomest Cheap Cities

The culture, the people, the food — city life is great, but it's also expensive. Luckily, these smaller cities offer big city amenities at country prices.

10 Best Tools for Finding an Apartment on the Cheap

Looking for a new apartment can be about as much fun as getting a root canal. However, a wealth of free or cheap tools are at hand to make it easier.

Food Going Bad Quickly? Here's How to Fix It

Spoiled snacks keep ending up in the trash? Stop wasting food (and cash!) by learning how to store it properly.

33 Places to Retire If You Love the Rain

If rainy skies leave you with a smile on your face, you may want to consider retiring in one of these affordable cities. Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain!

The 5 Best Foot Creams

Keeping your feet soft isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these five foot creams and your feet will be crack-free.

The Google Way: A Book Review (And a Chance to Win!)

I don’t know why I’ve put off reading and reviewing this book. It’s one that was on my “must-read” list for some time. With its common-sense but unique approach to business manage