Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Smart Ways to Get a Small Business Loan

It takes money to make money, and for small business there have never been so many ways to borrow some. How would a loan help your business grow?

10 Affordable Water Parks You Can Drive To

Make a splash on your next summer vacation by road-tripping to these awesome, affordable water parks!

Think Outside the Index When You Rebalance Your Investment Portfolio

If you are rebalancing your portfolio before the end of the year, make sure you are truly diversified.

Which of These 9 Retirement Accounts Is Right for You?

Picking the right retirement account can be a little tricky. Here's a break down of the best plans to help you save money for your future.

3 Reasons Not to Save for Your Child's College Fund

It goes against common advice, but you might be better off not saving for your child's college education. Here's why.

7 Beauty Secrets that Cost Almost Nothing

Forget Cosmo. Put away your Oprah Magazine. Turn off the microdermabrasion informercial and toss the $75 ultra-rich moisturizer. There are the cheap ways to look and feel beauti

31 Essential Kitchen Tools All Frugal Cooks Need

If your tiny kitchen space doesn't have these essentials, you're not living your best life.

Making Personal Finance Fun while Fighting for Financial Freedom

My story about how I went from broke, to saving without goals, to fighting for financial independence.

7 Money Lessons Kids Can Learn From the Tooth Fairy

Turn your child's visit from the Tooth Fairy into a meaningful lesson on money.

How to Keep DIY Projects From Ruining Your Life

Before you swing a wrecking ball through your hard-earned savings, you should decide if home improvement DIY is worth it at all.

This Is Why Your Projects Always Take Longer Than You Expect

Do your projects always seem to take longer than planned? You're not alone. Here's why scheduling is hard — and how you can improve.

5 Smart Places to Stash Your Kid's College Savings

Sending your kids to college is expensive. These investment vehicles are the smartest ways to start saving up.

4 Home-Buying Habits We Can Learn From Millennials

Millennials are late to the homebuying game, but they're bringing some valuable lessons we all can learn from.

The 8 Life Skills You Must Learn in Your 40s

You're never too old to stop learning! By the time you hit the big 4-0, consider mastering these eight essential life skills.

Life Without Toiletpaper - Bum Deal?

How far would you go to save the world? Upon reading the New York Times article about the Beaven-Conlin household in Manhattan, I started to get a little queasy. [more]

The First Step to Finding Your Dream Job

In the current economy, many of us are happy just to be employed, but at the same time very few of us are working at the elusive "dream job". For many people their jobs simply pro

The First Step to Budgeting

Why do so many budgets fail? Because the first step to budgeting is omitted. When implemented correctly, it can make a huge difference. When the first step is neglected, intangible

15 Ways to Reuse Detergent Bottles

Instead of trashing them when the detergent runs dry, discover the multitude of uses for these very versatile bottles.

6 Parts Every Successful Budget Needs

No two budgets are the same, but most successful budgets have these key components in common.

13 Ways to Make Money From Valentine's Day

Instead of spending your precious dollars on a Valentine's Day gift, why not earn some by offering something precious to the lovestruck?