Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: How to Live on $1,000 a Month

Today we found some terrific articles about living on $1,000 a month, getting your time allocation to match your priorities, and tips to help introverts thrive.

What to Do When You've Blown Your Budget for the Month

You've busted your budget for the month and there's still three weeks left to go. What now?

Merchant Credit Card Processing Costs: The Whole Story

A typical merchant will probably say that it costs around 2% to accept credit cards. But the discount rate they're thinking of isn't the only cost. If you're running a business,

Best Money Tips: Inexpensive Family Outings

Today we found some great articles on inexpensive family outings, how to negotiate fees and save on expenses, and Netflix alternatives.

5 Ways Environment Can Impact Health Insurance Costs

No matter what type of business you run, there may be opportunities to improve the work environment — the decrease the cost of health insurance.

Should You Hire a Recruiter?

Working with a recruiter can be expensive, but finding the perfect employee can be even more valuable. Here's how to figure out whether a recruiter is worth it for your business.

7 Times Buying Generic Will Cost You

For many products, generic or store-brand options are good buys. But for these products, you're better off sticking with a trusted brand name.

How Much to Pay New Hires in 2011

You're ready to bring in new employees — great! But calculating salaries can be difficult. Learn what to pay in a still-unsteady economy.

Ways to Make Better Use of Your CRM Tools

If you spend a little more time properly maintaining your customer relationship management tools, you can generate a lot more business.

Best Money Tips: Cheap, Fun Things to Do With Friends

Today we found some great articles on fun and cheap things to do with your friends, how to make the most of perfume and other scents, and good-looking lunches to bring to work.

How to Thrive in Uncertainty

The economy is still shuddering, but that doesn't mean your finances need to shake in fear. Learn how to stay financially strong in times like these.

Best Money Tips: How to Pull Off a Last-Minute Weekend Getaway

Today we found articles on how to pull off a last-minute weekend getaway, ways to build trust with your body language, and how to do Disney on a budget.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 10/20, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Frugal Halloween Party Ideas. Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

Best Money Tips: Ways to Give Back on Thanksgiving

Today we found articles on ways to give back on Thanksgiving, staying healthy during the holidays, and saving money when you start a business.

25 Questions to Ask Before You Outsource HR

A Professional Employment Organization can make a business owner's life a lot easier. But as with any business relationship, it pays to know what you're getting into before you do.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save at the Vet

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to save at the vet, saving for your child's college education, and negotiating your medical bills.

6 Secured Credit Card Facts to Remember

A secured credit card is a great way to repair (or build) credit. Before you sign up, be sure you understand the basics.

The Way to Your Honey's Heart Is Through the Kitchen

Skip the last minute reservations and make your Valentine's Day dinner at home. You sweetheart will thank you!

Best Money Tips: 50 Easy Ways to Save Money

Today we found some great articles on 50 easy ways to save money, costs and benefits of the family dog, and five smart ways to spend $1,000.

FREE DVD - Pirates 2 or Cars.

Ok, this one is for all you Wisebread readers with a sense of humor and a few empty spaces in your DVD collection. [more]