Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

It Pays to Be True to Your School: 5 Ways Your Alma Mater Can Save You Money

Alumni associations are doing everything they can to make things better for graduates of their college during this difficult time. Some of the savings are pretty substantial.

8 Ways to Decide if It's a "Fund-Worthy" Emergency

You worked hard to build up your emergency fund for a rainy day like today. Is it raining hard enough to dip into your stash of cash?

3 Great Reasons to Choose a Secondhand Engagement Ring (and Where to Find One)

Engagement rings are notoriously expensive, but if you're willing to buy second hand, you can save thousands.

7 Fun Podcasts for Kids (That Parents Love, Too)

These podcasts promote listening skills and give kids a much-needed break from their screens. You could use a break, too!

Do You Know Your Retirement "Number"?

You might think you know the amount of money you'll need for a comfortable retirement — but you could be basing that off the wrong number.

Behold: The Secrets of the Grocery Store

A trip to the grocery store may be a hit or a miss, depending on your perspective. Some people love going to the store each week and others detest it with a passion. But there are

Awesome Accomplishments: 50+ Questions to Ask Yourself and Figure Out What You've Done

Figuring out what you've accomplished at work is essential to demonstrating your value to employers. Here are 50+ questions to jumpstart the process of articulating awesome accompl

The 5 Hardest-to-Kill Houseplants

No matter how black your thumb, these hardy indoor growers will keep green whatever the level of inattention and neglect you care to give them.

How I Saved $30,000 and Helped the Earth at the Same Time

You know that the green lifestyle is often also a frugal lifestyle, but Wise Bread writer Max Wong shows you how you can take both to a whole new level.

10 Ways to Add Luxury to Your Life Without Paying Luxury Prices

Who doesn't want to live large on a small budget? From fine dining to a luxe ride, here's how to get a lot more for much less.

How Are People Retiring in Their 30s?!

What if you could retire and travel the world by your 30s? It's not just fantasy — these bloggers have done it!

6 Powerful Images of Money and What They Really Mean

From Fearless Girl to Uncle Scrooge's vault, these iconic money images continue to shape our outlook on finance.

10 Serious Health Benefits of Laughter

From improved lung function to a fitter midsection, a hearty laugh offers plenty of unexpected health benefits. No joke!

10 Relationship Rules You Should Be Breaking

Rules are made for breaking — even in relationships. Ditch these old-fashioned mandates that may just be holding you back.

4 Amazing, Affordable Honeymoon Destinations

Your honeymoon shouldn't put you into debt. Celebrate the start of your marriage at these amazing and affordable destinations.

How to Tell If Your Vacation Package Is a Good Deal

Bundled vacation packages tend to help consumers save. But are they truly a good deal?

15 Cheap and Delicious Punch Recipes for Holiday Parties

Bring on the holiday festivities! These delicious and simple party drinks sure do pack a punch.

From Dumpster Diving to Garage Sales, Turning Trash Into Cash

Learn how one dedicated recycler earned $1,200, paid her tuition, repaired her furniture, and financed her wedding with discarded stuff she found.

3 Terrible Things Foreclosure Does to Your Credit

A foreclosure stings, but you can rebuild. Here's what it will do to your credit, and the steps to take to get it back.

How We Brainwash Ourselves Into Brand Loyalty

If you think you're immune to marketing, think again — in fact, you might be convincing yourself to buy something and not even realize that you're doing it.