Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

An ING Direct Online Retail Store? It's not a joke.

It was my birthday last week. I received an email from ING Direct and assumed it would just be birthday wishes. But, I opened the email and to my astonishment guess what it contain

Should Your Kids Contribute to Family Money Goals?

Setting money goals together as a family can set your kids up for future financial success. Try it with your kids and watch them prosper.

11 Ways College Grads Can Get Ahead in the Job Hunt

Graduation day is upon you, and the real world awaits! Use these tips to jump-start your post-grad job hunt.

6 Foods Science Says Are Actually Making You Dumber

You are what you eat — and that goes for your brain, too. Are you making yourself dumber just by stuffing food in your face?

9 Things in Your House You're Forgetting to Clean

Washed your pillows recently? How about your doorknobs? It's time to give these nine germy household spots a good once over!

6 Gadgets Every Work at Home Professional Needs

With the right tools, you get more done in less time — and earn more money. From magic light bulbs to charging pads, these gadgets work.

11 Cool Jobs for Outdoorsy Types

If sitting behind a desk makes you cringe, these outdoor jobs might be perfect for you.

15 Uses for Garlic That Deserve a Round of Applause

Put your garlic to work beyond the kitchen with this list of alternative uses that help you do everything from remove splinters to cure sore throats.

6 Reasons I Still Don't Have a Cell Phone Plan (yet)

If you ask most people what they can't live without, many would say their computer. Just about as many would say their cell phone/PDA/Crackberry. I agree with the first one – I c

7 Frugal Living Skills You Should Be Teaching Your Children

No matter how young or old your kids may be, they will certainly be better off if they learn these frugal living skills now.

14 Ways to Spend Less Money on Valentine's Day

Wow your Valentine with truly romantic gifts and experiences and save your money for better things — like the post V-Day jewelry sale.

NFL Extra Points Card: Fumble or Touchdown?

If you’re willing spend what it takes to amass the required points, this credit card may be the surest way to acquire Super Bowl tickets.

Tips for Finding Legitimate Work-From-Home Opportunities

Working from home is the dream, but sifting through phony job ads can be a nightmare. Here's how to find the legit ones.

The Best (Inexpensive) Souvenirs

As a rule, we don’t buy souvenirs for their usefulness. A t-shirt from the Hard Rock Café or a shell sculpture from Hawaii isn’t going to increase your productivity — in fact, dust

5 Fun Ways the Sharing Economy Helps You Save on Vacation

From pet sitters to personal chefs, the sharing economy can help make your next vacation a memorable, and affordable, experience.

How to Find Freelance Clients - Part One

Once you hang your “open for business” sign, the hard part begins! Finding clients to pay you for your products or services can be the most challenging aspect of starting and runni

Not driving your less-frugal friends crazy

A while back, I heard an interview with a guy who, troubled by the Exxon Valdez oil spill, decided the right response was to quit driving. The bit of the interview that stuck with

It Pays to Be True to Your School: 5 Ways Your Alma Mater Can Save You Money

Alumni associations are doing everything they can to make things better for graduates of their college during this difficult time. Some of the savings are pretty substantial.

8 Ways to Decide if It's a "Fund-Worthy" Emergency

You worked hard to build up your emergency fund for a rainy day like today. Is it raining hard enough to dip into your stash of cash?

3 Great Reasons to Choose a Secondhand Engagement Ring (and Where to Find One)

Engagement rings are notoriously expensive, but if you're willing to buy second hand, you can save thousands.