Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

9 Financial Skills Everyone Needs During Hard Times

When the going gets tough, the tough get frugal. Stick to those frugal habits when finances brighten, and you'll save even more.

6 Reasons Cash Back Is Better Than Travel Rewards

Travel rewards are great for jet-setters, but for the rest of us, cash back is the better deal.

Better Than Barbie: 5 Free Toys Kids Will Love

There's a good chance that the "junk" around your home could become your kids' favorite toys (and they can even make great Christmas gifts).

Seven Tips for the Newly Unemployed

The unemployment rate in California surged to 6.9%, and that is equivalent to the rate in early 2003. Most news reports say that unemployment will probably go up a bit more in the

Looking On The Bright Side: How to Find A Silver Lining In The Current Financial Crisis

While this might be the biggest economic disaster of our generation, it might not be the big bad wolf that we all think it is. Quite the contrary, this little financial lesson migh

Hey Boss, Please Don’t Bother Me, I’m Daydreaming

Long considered the sole provenance of the lazy and uninspired, the process of daydreaming may be more productive than we thought.

Cashflow: The Board Game That Will Teach You To Be Rich, If You Can Afford It.

Can a simple board game teach you the secrets of the wealthiest people alive? Is it possible to change your mindset, and your attitude to money, by playing a game? And can a board

8 Ways to Help Your Clothes Last Longer

Extend the life of your clothing by choosing quality materials and construction and following a few simple fabric care tips.

How to Use Glassdoor to Earn More Money

Website Glassdoor has long be the place to visit to learn more about a potential employer. Now it can help you learn what you're worth.

How to Use Credit Cards Responsibly During the Holidays

It's easy to get carried away during the holidays. Here's how to enjoy the season, without running up big balances on your cards.

Earn Extra Income With These 15 Creative Side Gigs

Everyone could use a few extra bucks — so why not make that side gig fun? And if you're lucky, it might turn into something that really pays.

6 Ways to Spot Work-at-Home Job Scams

There might be a sucker born every minute, but you don't have to be one of them. Learn how to avoid common work-at-home job scams.

6 Ways to Stay Motivated on the Job

It's easy to let the daily grind sap your motivation. Buck up, superstar, and dig deep. You already have everything you need to stay positive.

9 Things Sellers Should Watch Out for During Escrow

You've got a buyer for your home — now you just need to make it through escrow.

Great Ways to Invest in Yourself

The best investment you can make has nothing to do with the stock market — learn how to increase your earning power by investing in yourself.

The 5 Best iPhone 6 Covers

In order to keep your iPhone in top texting and tweeting condition, you need a phone cover that's durable, like one of these best five choices.

7 Household Items That Are Better Second-Hand

Keep your eyes peeled at your next yard sale or thrift shop. These second-hand household items only get better with age.

How to Escape the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Cycle

Living the paycheck-to-paycheck life is stressful and miserable. But here's a way to escape!

5 Appraisal Facts That Could Save You Big Money

A low appraisal may cost you a home loan or sale. Check out these tips on getting the appraisal you need.

8 Fun Ways to Make Money

None of these will allow you to quit your day job , but they just might let you get enough cash to fund something special.