Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Exposed: Magazine subscription rates complete BS.

Have you ever wondered about the validity of those "special offer magazine subscriptions" you get in your mailbox? As someone who gets most of his magazines for free thro

4 Common Household Leaks You Can Fix Without a Plumber

If your water bill is rising, and you can't afford a plumber, roll up your sleeves and find and fix those costly leaks yourself. You can do this!

So you bought an HD DVD player. Now what?

It’s gone. HD DVD lost the war, Blu-Ray is the winner. Toshiba has admitted defeat and will discontinue all of its HD DVD products. No more players, no more recorders, no more disc

Score Some Dorm Deals and Save Big (Even if You’re Not a Student)

Shopping on the cheap is difficult sometimes, but the right combo of pricing and availability can keep your place fresh and your wallet full. Take advantage of these seasonal sale

How Much College Can You (and Your Kid) Afford?

Is it worth it to pay steep tuition, or should you compromise and pay a lot less? Use this guide to evaluate costs and career goals to match budget with college.

6 Ways Working Out Makes You Smarter, Too

Regular exercise benefits brain function, learning ability, and memory. Maybe it's time to rethink the "dumb jock" stereotype?

5 Stupid Things My Parents Taught Me About Money

Your parents probably gave you a lot of advice about money. But that advice might have been very, very bad.

The 5 Best Ways to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Being swamped at work is not a badge of honor — it's a sign of inefficiency. Get more done with these smart tips.

2010 Predictions from Wall Street and Main Street: Who's Smarter?

Every December for the last five years Money Talks News has hooked up with David Wyss, the chief economist for giant research firm Standard & Poors. We sit him down in a studio and

8 Airline Fees That Are Actually Worth Paying

Is paying more for extra airline services ever worth it? Sure, especially if the miles — or your legs — are long. Here are eight fees that are worth the cost.

8 Money Lessons We Can Learn From Baseball

Our beloved national pastime can teach us a whole lot about hitting a home run with our money.

Save Money and Still Show Love on Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day can cost a fortune if you fall for the hype. Here are some tips for getting great gifts without Cupid's arrow piercing your budget.

Flashback Friday: 44 Sneaky Shopping Traps to Avoid

You've got your list, and you trust your willpower is strong. But then something shiny lures you in, and oh, it's on sale! Here's how to resist those sneaky shopping traps.

Best Money Tips: Easy Ways to Make Money While You Exercise

Today we found articles on easy ways to make money while exercising, unique side hustles to try, and tips to make the most of your used gadgets.

Healthy People Have These 10 Things in Their Homes — Do You?

The stuff you keep around says a lot about your lifestyle. How many of these healthy things does your family have?

10 Dark-Side Motivations to Get You Out of Debt

Getting out of debt requires determination and motivation. Does it matter if those motivations are inspired by our darker angels?

What to Do With 100 Tomatoes

Growing your own fruits and vegetables can provide a bounty of fresh produce. Here's what to do when things get a little too bountiful.

Shrinking Your Cash-Flow Period to Create a Better Budget

Had trouble sticking to your monthly budget? Try this method for looking at your finances daily — and maybe you'll avoid buying that unnecessary popcorn.

How Water Can Save You $977 a Year

According to recent data, American eat out roughly 3 times every week. And water could play a big part in making the whole thing less expensive, and healthier.

10 Unexpected Jobs With Insane Travel

Sure, airline pilots travel a lot for work. But elevator repair techs? Learn about that and nine other careers that can satisfy your wanderlust.