Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Health Foods That Are Actually Making You Fatter

Just because a food is healthier than a bag of chips doesn't mean it isn't fattening. Watch out for these gut busting health foods.

Flashback Friday: 48 Ways to Master the Art of Decluttering in Time for Spring

Ready for some spring cleaning? Tap into your decluttering state of mind even before the snow melts.

5 Tips for Using the Internet at Work

Using the Internet for personal reasons at work? Just don't be a moron about it, and follow these tips to keep the privilege.

7 More Travel Destinations That Aren't Worth the Money

These popular destinations get a lot of hype, but for the travelers who visit them, there's mostly a lot of disappointment. Don't be one of them!

6 Things to Keep You Sane on a Plane

Air travel is no picnic (unless you count bad coffee and tiny bags of pretzels as perfect picnic foods). Here are must-haves to remain comfortable on any flight.

7 Biggest Ways Procrastination Hurts Your Finances

Do you like to wait until the last minute? Well, your bad habit could be costing you — literally.

9 Dumb Little Things You Need to Stop Saying Today

We all rely on little catch phrases and verbal shortcuts. Unfortunately, many are thoughtless or hurtful or just plain dumb. Stop saying them!

Your One-Month Guide to Spring Cleaning

Overwhelmed by dirt and clutter? Break up your spring cleaning to make it less intimidating, and clean your whole house by tackling just three tasks a week.

Are Your Finances Fragile?

Many households are just one layoff, one illness, one interest-rate hike away from financial catastrophe. Follow these strategies to avoid being one of them.

The 5 Best Telescopes

Getting a good look at all the stars in the sky isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these telescopes and you can gaze all you want upon the galaxies.

How Your Bad Credit Can Impact Your Kids

Worried about the effect your bad credit may have on you? You also need to consider how it can affect your kids.

5 Ways to Boost Your Odds of Retiring Early

You don't have to wait 'til your 60s to retire. Make an early retirement a real possibility with some simple steps you can take today.

Best Money Tips: Money Questions to Consider Before Marriage

Today we found some great articles on money questions to consider before marriage, Memorial Day discounts, and expenses you won't have in retirement.

5 Ways to Save Money on Braces

Braces can be a necessary medical treatment — and they can also be exceedingly expensive. Here are five ways to blunt the sharp cost of straight teeth.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 11/1, 12pm PST/3pm EST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Topic: Millennials and Money! Join our conversation with Fidelity for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat and #MyMoneyBalance to participate!

7 Delayed-Spending Tricks That Help Pay Off Debt

If you're willing to delay gratification and avoid purchases today — but not forever — you can save money now and eliminate your debt sooner.

Ask The Readers: When Did You Start Saving For Retirement?

Tell us when you started saving for retirement and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The 5 Best Humidifiers

Keeping your sinuses clear in the dead of winter isn't simple, but it can be. Just use any of these humidifiers and you'll breathe easy.

How to Buy Affordable Life Insurance

Follow these rules of thumb from Jeff Rose, CFP, to make sure you're not paying too much for life insurance.

Homemade Gluten-Free Oreo Cookies

Thanks to this recipe, if your kids are gluten intolerant, they can have their Oreos and eat them, too. And you won't have to worry about dietary repercussions later!