Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

9 DIY Landscaping and Gardening Skills That Will Save You Money

It's not too late to get your summer garden to bloom — and it doesn't take a lot of money, either. Get outside and get dirty!

9 Ways to Make an Extra $1,000 This Summer

Pad your pockets with an extra grand this summer, all with the help of an easy side gig.

The Awesomeness of Sodium Bicarbonate: 27 Uses for Baking Soda

Sucking up smells! Scrubbing away stains! Soothing stomachs! Discover all the great uses for this wonderful, unassuming, and inexpensive stuff.

This Is the Best Music to Listen to If You Want to Be Productive

Need to bear down and get some work done? Crank the tunes, but not just any tunes — these tunes.

12 Words You Need to Delete From Your Resume Right Now

HR staffers see a lot of resumes — and a lot of cliches, tired idioms, and lazy skill descriptions in them. Make your resume memorable by cutting these awful words.

These Apps Turn Saving Money Into a Game — Are They Worth It?

These apps promise to gamify your savings and investing, but is gamification really the key to better finances?

The 5 Best Voice Recorders

When you're in a pinch and have to record something, you need a dependable device. Use any of these voice recorders and you'll get the audio recording you need.

Fine Dining on a Take-Out Budget

Looking for a first-rate meal on a take-out budget? Head over to your local culinary school for a great meal at a low price. Nearly all culinary schools have student-run restaurant

How to Find a Legit Virtual Assistant Job

Working flexible hours from home can be a dream. Learn where to find a bonafide VA job that pays.

The Surprisingly Easy Way to Change Your Habits and Your Life

Replacing bad habits with good ones is easier than you'd think. Here's how a Wise Bread writer turned a social media habit into a family time habit.

How to Budget When You're No Longer Broke

You went from barely making ends meet to being flush with cash. Don't abandon your broke budget!

How to Prep Your Finances for an Emergency Vet Visit

For a pet parent, an emergency visit to the vet is always stressful. Here's how to handle it financially.

5 Unexpected Side Benefits of Your Side Hustle

Making extra money on the side isn't only about the extra money — find out about the other perks that come with a side job.

Ask the Readers: Do you Procrastinate? (Win an $89 Tax Prep Prize!)

Besides taxes, is there something that you just don't seem to do until the very last moment? We'd love to hear your comments? Share your thoughts, either below in the comments or

7 Reasons You Should Always Buy Girl Scout Cookies

When Girl Scout cookie season rolls around, it's hard to justify consuming all those calories. But we've found a way to do just that!

5 Investments That Do Better in Winter

Falling temperatures mean rising fortunes for these five firms whose business booms with winter's gloom. Add some wintry sparkle to your portfolio!

Voluntary Slavery

Discover one writer's take on why the "voluntary slavery" of our personal financial situations can keep us from acting in our best interest.

7 Delicious Uses for Leftover Hot Dogs

Let's be frank: Summer cookouts will leave you with plenty of extra dogs in the fridge. Here are lots of tasty ways to use them up.

The 5 Best Snow Shovels

Removing piles of snow while braving the chill of winter isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these snow shovels and you can clear your driveway or walkway in a flash.

The 8 Classic Personal Finance Books You Must Read

Add these personal finance gems to your summer reading list and soak in some evergreen advice on all things money.