Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Foods That Are Actually Cheaper At Whole Foods

We don't often visit "Whole Paycheck" when we're shopping for cheap eats. But for some staples, Whole Foods is surprisingly affordable.

12 Easy Ways to Avoid Student Loan Debt

Completing college is hard enough without the mountain of debt that usually follows. Here's how to get the education without the financial stress.

One Talent, Multiple Streams of Income

Wondering how to use creative talents to pay the bills now and build for retirement later? Last week, I spoke with Texas wildflower artist Linda Calvert Jacobson about what works f

Avoiding grass-is-always-greener syndrome

For a worker down in the cube farm, it's easy to see the dysfunction of your own company, and to imagine that almost anyplace else would be better. The thing is, companies are all

You're a Chump if you Pay Full Price for That

Couponing and bargain shopping are not for everyone. It takes some time to clip the coupons, organize them, and keep track of sales at all of your favorite stores. But since I'

The 10 Things Everyone Should Be Saving For

What are you saving for? Hopefully it's some (or all!) of these important savings goals.

25 Easy 5-Ingredient Recipes That Save Time and Money

You don't need a lot of fancy ingredients to put a flavorful meal on the table. Make dinner easy with short grocery lists and basic preparations.

The Enemies of Frugality

Even with the best of intentions, living frugally can be a challenge. Explore the seven nefarious forces that keep us from our frugal goals.

10 Reasons You Should Really Fear an IRS Audit

When the IRS decides to smack you with an audit, what's the worst that can happen? You're wise not to try to cheat the taxman.

Turn smugness into a positive virtue

Various times here in my posts I've admitted to an unfortunate tendency toward smugness. It's really a negative character trait, and one that I struggle against. There are ways,

Goal Setting, Defined and Deconstructed

After examining my goals for the past year, I realized that the type goal, rather than its perceived difficulty, is what often leads to fulfillment or frustration. Here are ways to

Dealing With Debt: Credit Counselors

There are three heavily advertised ways to find help to dig out of debt: credit counseling, debt settlement and bankruptcy. Which is best? Let's find out, starting with a closer lo

People Who Make a Lot of Money Do These 11 Things — Do You?

Imitation is the highest form of flattery. And if you imitate the right people, you might start earning more — a lot more.

10 Exercises to Do at Work That Don't Make You Look Silly

Realistically, most of us can't pull out crazy yoga poses, lift weights, or do jumping jacks at work. Here are 10 realistic exercises for the office.

Best Airlines for Scoring First or Business Class Award Seats

Flying for free in business or first class? Yes, it can be done.

13 Embarrassing Mistakes Everyone Makes But Doesn't Talk About

To err is human, even if we don't always own up to it. When it comes to making these 13 little mistakes, trust us — you're not alone.

The Millionaire Next Door: Riches De-mystified

You've seen them driving by you but you didn't even notice. They were in the checkout line at the grocery store but you didn't give them a second glance. They're ev

5 Downsides of a Reverse Mortgage

A reverse mortgage may sound like a good plan in retirement, but beware — these loans are not without their drawbacks.

6 Ways to Manage Powerful Emotions

Heat-of-the-moment emotional responses aren't usually the best. The next time you're tempted to lash out, try these tricks to stay calm and in control.

A Simple Guide to Rolling Over All of Your 401Ks and IRAs

Wondering what to do with your 401K or IRA after a job switch? We'll break it down for you.