Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Clever Ways to Sample the Good Life

A fishstick budget sure puts a damper on having caviar taste. Get a taste of the high life regardless with some clever workarounds.

Best Money Tips: Save Money on Your Food Bill

Today we found some fantastic articles on saving on your food bill, painless ways to save for your next vacation, and phrases not to use at work.

Gifts for the Person Who Has Everything

We've all shopped (or tried to shop for) the person who has (or seems to have) everything. Yes, it's hard...but not impossible! Draw some inspiration from these affordable ideas.

Best Money Tips: Do These Things in Your 30s to Be a Millionaire By 40

Today we found articles on things to do in your 30s to be a millionaire by 40, ways to make your produce last longer, and cheap and easy Halloween costumes for kids and adults.

Best Money Tips: How to Host a Thanksgiving Dinner on the Cheap

Today we found articles on tactics for an inexpensive Thanksgiving meal, ways to make hundreds at your next yard sale, and online sources for the best Black Friday deals.

My 2016 Budget Challenge: Reduce Debt or Save for an Emergency?

Life's curveballs have Max and her Mr. evaluating their budget challenge as a whole. Should they stay the course?

What You Need to Start Flipping Items for Cash Online

You don't need a lot to start flipping stuff for cash — some of it you may already have!

Life After Debt: What's Next?

You've worked hard, scrimped, saved and paid off all your debt. Now that you are finally debt free, what ARE you going to do?

Best Money Tips: Ways Families Can Save Money This July

Today we found some great articles on how families can save money this July, things to do before you leave for vacation, and two year versus four year colleges.

Best Money Tips: 20 Signs You Need a Financial Makeover

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we share the 20 ways you know you need some money help, 10 little-known personal development blogs, and how to turn an old t

Which is Cheaper: Flying or Driving?

Is it cheaper to fly or to drive to your destination? There are some good rules of thumb to follow when deciding whether to drive or fly.

4 Workout Recovery Essentials for a Healthier Body

Get more out of your workouts — and feel less post workout pain — by following a simple post workout routine.

Best Money Tips: Tasks You Can Offload to a Virtual Assistant

Today, we give you tasks that can be outsourced to a virtual assistant, a way to expand the variety of your cookie stash, natural methods to clean stainless steel, and more!

5 Times Buying a Home With Cash Is Bad for Your Budget

If you have enough cash to buy a house, that's great! It still doesn't mean it's always the smartest financial move.

10 Types of Neighbors That Are Costing You Money

Your neighbor may be the biggest drain on your finances, and you don't even realize it. Are you living near one of these types of bad neighbors?

How to Evaluate a Travel Program for the Best Rewards Redemption

Not all credit card travel rewards are created equal. Learn how to find the perfect card to make your vacation dreams a reality.

Zen and the Art of Hiding Money

Saving money can require a change in both your outlook and your techniques. Here's how to get zen about money and force yourself to save.

5 Recurring Charges to Reconsider

From switching your phone service to going partially paperless and more, learn how you can drastically cut recurring costs in your office.

6 Smart Things to Do With Your Bonus

You've got a little extra money on hand, but don't burn it on stuff. Instead, spend that windfall to build a better future for you and your family.

10 Airline Perks From Yesteryear That Seem Unbelievable Today

Flying wasn't always such a hassle. Reminisce about these unbelievable, long-gone perks from the good old days of air travel.