Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Just Start: How Doing Anything Can Help You Accomplish Everything

Hate feeling stuck? Learn how just starting something — anything! — can help you tackle your entire to-do list.

5 Ways to Grow Your Savings Without a Steady Paycheck

Without a steady paycheck, a savings plan may seem like a pipe dream. But freelancers and part-timers can do it. Here's how.

Free movie rental from Hollywood Video

This deal is about as simple as they get. So grab a bag or two of your favorite popcorn, browse through the aisles of your local Hollywood Video and pick up a video rental on the h

4 Ways Being a Safe Driver Will Save You Big Money

As if you needed another reason to be a safe driver, it'll save you big bucks, too.

Plumas County: Hidden (Cheaper) California

Are you stuck on the coast paying a big mortgage on a tiny property? Do your kids spend more time with their daycare provider than with you? Do you worry that they've never see

SpringCoin to Pay Off $500 Debt for One Lucky Wise Bread Reader

SpringCoin is also giving away free lifetime debt management accounts valued at $96 per year!

8 All-Natural Ways to Relieve Sore Muscles

A tough workout is good for mind and body, but it doesn't always feel that way. Relieve those day-after aches and pains with these natural, effective remedies.

How do you spend money to save time?

It's a — pardon the expression — timeless saying: "You can always make more money, but you can't make more time." The staunch followup to that tends to be that you can make better

My Budget Challenge 2016: How to Live Frugally When You Have No Time

Sure, saving money takes time and effort. When it comes to living frugally, if you make the time, you'll find the money.

You Are Too Busy: Stop!

When you're really busy — too busy — everything suffers, including your health and your family life. Slow down so you can keep going.

Ask the Readers: Budgets - Are They "Hot" or Not? (Your Chance to Win $10!)

Was a firm financial goal something that drew you to your significant other? Was it even discussed? Did appearing to "keep up with the Joneses" have any influence on what finally

Stupid Tax Return Mistakes That Will Get You Audited

Even if you're using tax preparation software or a service, you may find yourself caught in an audit if you commit any of these costly mistakes.

Get the Job You Want With the Right Professional Image

Who are you? Make sure everybody knows your story with these keys to personal brand development.

A Simple Plan for Saving Up a $2000 Fun Fund

Whether you're planning for a wedding, vacation, or down payment on a home, these money-saving tricks will have you socking it away this year!

Best Money Tips: The Lifehacks Edition

Today we found some of the best articles from around the web on lifehacks and productivity!

Guacamole, Wine, and 23 Other Surprisingly Refreshing Popsicle Recipes

Why settle for a fudgsicle when you can have a Sriracha-fudgsicle? Try that and a bunch more fun summertime popsicles.

Best Money Tips: Steps to Make Sure You Buy the Right House

Today we found some amazing articles on buying the right house, maximizing your dollar at Subway, and creating work/life balance when your kids return to school.

Want to Be Happier? Work These 7 Magic Words into Your Vocabulary

The words we say and think have a strong influence over our moods and emotions. Harness their power to gain (and spread) more happiness in your life.

High Tech Solutions For the Winter Blues

We share a few of our favorite tech-savvy ways to fight the winter blues.

The 5 Most Dangerous Things Hiding in Your Home Right Now

It's an unfortunate truth: home is where the accidents happen. Protect yourself and your family by uncovering these five hidden dangers.