Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Make Good Money Teaching English in China

If you want to make good money as a teacher, you might want to move to China.

Save Big at These 4 Discount Supermarkets

Skip the major markets and check out one of these discount grocers instead — you might slash your food bill in half!

10 Signs You Aren't Saving Enough for Retirement

Do you get the sinking feeling you aren't saving enough for retirement? You probably aren't.

Frugal Gluten-Free Living: Delicious Homemade Gluten-Free Bread

Here is an easy to make Gluten-Free Bread recipe that is extremely affordable and much better tasting than store brands. Celebrate and have toast again!

Could Trump Bring Higher Interest Rates and Inflation? Consider These Money Moves

Will the fiscal landscape be different in 2017 during a Trump presidency? Here's how to get your money ready, either way things go.

How to Keep Your Job Hunt From Busting Your Budget

You want to go all out in your job search, but you don't want to go broke in the process.

How to Buy a Used Car Without Getting Ripped Off

Buying a pre-owned vehicle comes with its own set of challenges — like making sure you don't buy someone else's headache.

Foraging for Food: The Hunt For The Wild Mushroom

It’s early May, and the river bottom is full of new life. Not just rabbits, snakes, and chicks, but also brand new morel mushrooms. This tasty treat is as much fun to find as it

10 Things to Bring Up With Your Boss at Your Annual Review

Your annual review is fast approaching. Learn what you should say — and avoid saying — to make the most of this chance to advance your career.

6 Cheap Ways to Stage Your Home in a Buyer's Market

Home sellers can be low on leverage in a buyer's market. But these six simple, inexpensive things can help you make the sale.

6 Decorative Plants You Can Eat, Too

Kill two birds with one stone by stocking both your garden and your pantry with these gorgeous edible plants.

8 Tips for Going Back to School as an Adult

There's a lot more life in the way when you return to school as an adult. Here's a crash course in making it work.

How to Get a Great Seat on Southwest

Southwest won't charge you a baggage fee, and they won't let you choose your seat during booking. Here's to find the best seat possible when you board.

Who saves money when you pick apples? The grower.

You won't save money picking your own apples at most U-pick orchards these days -- but you might save the orchard. We went to the country to get our own apples for $10 a pound,

Best Money Tips: 10 Countries Where Retirees Can Live Large and Save Big

Today we found articles on the best countries to retire, how to score cheap flights this summer, and cheap and easy dessert recipes.

Book Review: Early Retirement Extreme

Think you can live on one-tenth of your current income? If you're ready to downsize, this book can help you retire long before you ever thought possible.

4 Easy Ways to Get Richer In 2018

A new year is a fresh start for your finances. Make these small money moves now, and you'll end 2018 richer than you started it.

34 Smart Ways to Cut Your Electric Bill

You won't get rich quick by cutting your electric bill, but you can have a small victory every month by saving some of your hard-earned cash.

5 Creative Uses for a 529 Plan

You know a 529 savings plan is for your children's college expenses, but with some creative thinking, it can be so much more.

7 In-Flight Amenities Worth the Cost

Flying economy is no picnic, but you can make your time aloft almost dreamy with a couple of in-flight luxuries worth paying for.