Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Is Peer Pressure Keeping You Poor?

Many struggle with large credit card balances instead of saying to others, "I can't afford that," but recognizing financial limits is one key to financial freedom.

The Simple Way to Decide Which Credit Card to Pay Off First

Don't just wing it. When credit card debt is piling up, one of these strategies can kick your repayment plan into high gear.

Ask the Readers: Do You Have a Will?

Tell us whether or not you have a will and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

3 Ways to Ban Spam and Stop Junk

Junk mail kills trees; Spam and unsolicited phone calls kill your day. Here's the best way to get rid of all three!

How to Save Money Buying a New Car and Be Happy

You can actually enjoy the car-buying process. Really. Learn how to shop for a new car and stay sane.

Flashback Friday: 59 Tips to Help You Nail That Job Interview

Have a big job interview coming up? Don't worry, with our guide to help, you got this!

11 Ways Cycling Can Save You Money

Pedal yourself to big savings by taking to two wheels. You'll enjoy the wind in your hair, the extra dough in your pockets, and some easy fitness.

The 5 Worst Pieces of Financial Advice Your Friends Give You

Have you been listening to any of this advice from your friends? If you have, you need to stop right now.

13 International Crock-Pot Recipes That Are Out of This World

Life's too short to make the same slow cooker dishes week after week. Expand your crock-pot horizons with these recipes that span the globe.

6 Ways to Apartment Hunt on Craigslist Without Getting Scammed

Craigslist is a leading apartment rental marketplace, with plenty of listings — and scammers. Protect yourself by recognizing the warning signs.

5 Killer Free Investment Tools

If you want to increase your investing knowledge, you don't need to pay the big bucks — just delve into these free resources.

Should a Second Marriage Be Celebrated (and Paid for) Like the First?

People spend a lot of money to make their weddings once-in-a-lifetime experiences. So what do you do if you have a second one?

12 Cheap Ways to Make Your Car Look Awesome

You may never get that new car smell back, but you can keep an old car looking (and running) sharp. Brighten up your jalopy with these frugal fixes.

5 Benefits of Carrying a Mortgage Into Retirement

You wanted to ditch that mortgage before you retired; you didn't. That's OK! There are some benefits to bringing your home loan into your golden years.

10 Things You Should Always Order on Amazon

For these frequent household buys, Amazon's low prices and convenience really shine. Are you still buying these everyday goods at the store?

Green Switch for Green Savings

Did you know that even after turning everything off in your home, you are still paying for electricity consumption you may be unaware of? If you’re like me, that should get both th

How Long Does It Take to Break Even With an Electric Car

Electric cars come with rebates, fuel savings, and ... a premium price tag. How long will it take you to break even?

4 Home-Buying Habits We Can Learn From Millennials

Millennials are late to the homebuying game, but they're bringing some valuable lessons we all can learn from.

How to Keep DIY Projects From Ruining Your Life

Before you swing a wrecking ball through your hard-earned savings, you should decide if home improvement DIY is worth it at all.

The 5 Best Linen Sprays

Keeping your linens smelling fresh isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these five linen sprays and your sheets will smell nice and clean.