Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

25 Beautiful Things You Can Make With Paint Sample Cards

The cheapest way to spruce up a space is with paint. Sample paint chips, that is.

10 Ways to Stop Being Impatient and Live a More Satisfied Life

In our hurry up and wait culture, patience is a virtue. Read on to cultivate your sense of patience, no waiting necessary.

Best Money Tips: 100 Costumes You Can DIY on the Cheap

Today we found articles on costumes you can DIY on the cheap, subscriptions that are totally worth it, and warning signs to watch out for when you’re booking a hotel.

How to Take the World's Most Efficient Shower

When your hot water's lacking but your body odor isn't, clean off fast with this quick, water saving shower technique.

The 5 Best Hair Removal Creams

These five best hair removal creams and lotions make getting rid of unsightly scruff quick and painless.

4 Money Fights Married Couples Have (And How to Avoid Them)

Nothing throws a wrench in the works of marriage quite like money troubles. Learn how to avoid these common financial fights.

Best Store Credit Cards

Retail branded credit cards may be a wise choice for loyal customers. But what about department store credit cards?

The 5 Best Washing Machines

Whether you're looking for an old timey top-loader or a modern front loader, picking the right washer out of hundreds of choices isn't easy. We've narrowed it down to five.

5 Things Other Grocery Stores Should Steal from Trader Joe's

Trader Joe's keeps me coming back by offering low-cost, healthy groceries — and if other grocery stores want to stay in business, they better do the same.

eBay Account Hackers - don't be fooled

I'm not the type to fall for scams, generally. Thus far, I've never been really screwed over on eBay or anything. But I can totally see how people COULD fall for an eBay scammer. [more]

How to Negotiate on Everything for Your Wedding

The wedding of your dreams will probably cost a pretty penny. Luckily, you can negotiate the price on everything.

10 Most Valuable Things to Plant in Your Garden This Spring

Once the snow melts away, make sure you plant these things in your garden.

You Can Start Investing With a Lot Less Money Than You Think

You feel like you don't have enough money to take the plunge in investing. That's not true! You can get started with less than you think.

7 Reasons Why Self-Storage Is a Really Bad Idea

Self-storage makes it easy to save stuff when you're moving or simply out of space. But just because you can use it doesn't mean you should. Learn why.

9 Reasons Alone Time Is Good For Your Soul

Need an excuse for more alone time? Here are nine reasons it's good for you.

5 Things Our Realtor Told Us That Weren't True

Our realtor told us several things that turned out to be untrue. Learn from these situations before taking their word for it.

7 Steps to Improving Your Critical Thinking

With all the information we're faced with every day, it can be hard to know what's what. These seven steps will help you get closer to the truth.

9 Ways to Save Big on Parking Costs

We waste a lot of money parking our cars. Here's how you can keep more dollars parked in your wallet.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Healthy Snacks?

Tell us about your favorite healthy snacks and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

21 Disposable Products You Can Reuse

Don't throw away those so-called "one-time-use" items. Here are some creative ways to reuse them — and save some money in the process.