Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Expensive Things That Look Cheap

It's smart to spend more to buy quality and value. But it's doubly dumb to pay way, way more and wind up something that delivers so much less.

15 Halloween Costumes for People Who Hate Dressing Up

If you think dressing up is a drag but still need a get up for a costume party, consider one of these low-effort, high-reward "costumes."

8 Ways to Get Paid to Read

The next time you're relaxing with a good book you could be getting paid for it.

10 Flight Booking Hacks to Save You Hundreds

Don't book another flight online until you've read this! It could save you a ton of money.

7 Things Your Credit Report Does NOT Include

Your credit reports may be handy snapshots of your financial health, but they don't show the whole picture. Find out what's missing.

The Fastest Method to Eliminate Credit Card Debt

Yes, you can get out of credit card debt — and faster than you think. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll chip away at that financial burden.

How Reflecting on Possessions Can Help You Resist Impulse Buys

The key to resisting impulse buys could be as simple as thinking about items you already own.

Times Are Tough; Would You Consider A DIY Funeral?

It's never pleasant to think about death and funerals, but if there is one certainty in life, it's that we're all going to bite the dust at some point. And just like most things in

11 Ways to Make Living With Roommates Tolerable

Living with roommates isn't always easy, but here's how to make it somewhat tolerable.

7 Popular Vacation Spots That Aren't Worth the Money (and Where to Go Instead)

If you've chosen any of these overhyped destinations for your next vacation, prepare to be underwhelmed (and overcharged).

Hobby Lobby, Who Exactly Are You Trying To Fool?

Has someone been over-inflating prices in Hobby Lobby, just to make the sales prices more profitable for the store? What do you think?

23 Effortless Ways to Go Green (and Save Money, Too)

Captain Planet fully believes in your ability to save the Earth, without even trying!

Debt repayment is not an expense

Over and over again, in budgeting articles and even books on personal finance, I see sample budgets that include debt repayment as if it were an expense. This shows a fundamental

How Authenticity Could Make or Break Your Small Business

Forget marketing: Your small business only needs one very special thing to be truly successful.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Green Goals?

Tell us about your green goals and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Buy Your Groceries European-Style

Instead of planning a menu in advance, I go to the store and look around to see what looks good. That way, I can get whatever's fresh and cheap.

16 Time and Money Saving Apps for Freelancers

Starting a freelance career is daunting, but this collection of apps and online services will take the fear out of invoicing, file storage, and a lot more!

5 Ways Job Hunting Has Gotten Better for New Grads

If you're graduating from college soon, take heart; job hunting has gotten a lot easier.

How to Make Sure You Don't Run Out of Money in Retirement

Investing in an annuity can be a little tricky. Having an annuity, however, is pretty wonderful.

The 5 Most Successful Investors You've Never Heard Of

Can you name an investor other than Warren Buffett or Peter Lynch? Drop these five names at your next investment club meeting.