Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Trailers for Ths American Life

"We wanted to make a TV show that feels like the radio show, but isn't just the radio show on TV." Can This American Life successfully transfer its intimate and quirky storytelling style onto [more]

Do you write like a girl?

Based on some of the comments we get around here, it's safe to say that some of you might suspect me of possessing my very own pair of cajones. Attached ones, that is. Not, like, in a jar or something. [more]

7 Ways Being Debt Free Can Cost You

Generally speaking, debt is bad. But sometimes taking on debt is unavoidable — and can actually be good for you.

The 5 Best Fitness Trackers

A fitness tracker can help you monitor calories and keep to your fitness plan. Here are five to consider.

10 Ways to Prevent an Emergency From Driving You Into Debt

If you're caught short when life catches you short, don't panic. Instead, try these strategies to manage an emergency and avoid debt.

How "Carried Interest" May Affect Our Taxes

Carried interest was a buzzword of the presidential election. Just what is it, anyways?

20 Delicious Make-Ahead Salads

Take the guesswork (and the grease!) out of weekday lunches by whipping up these delicious, nutritious make-ahead salads. They'll keep all week!

You Can Too: 7 Amazing Things People Have Accomplished in Under a Year

You're capable of more than you think. Don't believe it? Just read what people like you have accomplished in less than a year.

Alternative Wedding Registry Ideas

Don't need gift bags full of new towels and soap dispensers? Consider one of these uncommon registry ideas for your wedding.

Get Those Omega-3s Without Paying Mega Prices

Omega-3-fortified foods are pricey -- but there are other, cheaper ways to get those very important fatty acids.

Get the Most From Your Airline Miles in These 5 Overlooked Cities

You worked hard for your miles! Make them take you further by traveling to these five overlooked world cities.

10 Ways to Get Over Jet Lag and Enjoy Your Trip

Don't let jet lag ruin your vacation! These tricks will have you up and at 'em right from the start of your far away vacay.

This One Wedding Trick Will Save You Thousands

For the frugal bride and groom, winter is the right time to wed. Savings are substantial and the setting is unique and memorable.

Tech Life: 8 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be an Early Adopter

It might be a boost for your ego, but it's a bummer for your wallet. Learn why avoiding early adoption saves you money — and gets you better tech.

Mind Over Math - Believing It Makes It So

Boost your child's brain power with a little encouragement. Science proves kids' intelligence grows when they realize it can.

Pretty, Cheap: Makeup Advice for the Frugal

If you're perplexed about makeup and aren't sure what works best for you, you're not alone. Check out these tips to make buying makeup easier.

Do You Really Need “Soft” Water?

Water is a necessity. Soft water may not be. Depending on where you live and how you use water, the cost of processing your water may not be worth it.

Asset Allocation for All Markets

Achieving the right asset allocation can be like groping around in the dark (and not in a fun kind of way!) if you don’t know where to begin. This article will help you to determin

7 Money Moves to Make as Soon as You Conquer Debt

Congratulations, you're out of the red! Now it's time to start making your money work hard for you, too.

How to Buy and Prepare Fresh Fish

Learn how to choose the freshest fish and add this delicious and healthy protein to your diet.