Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Scanners

Whether you're trying to preserve family photos or make your office paperless, you can do it with one of these excellent scanners.

8 Questions to Always Ask Yourself Before Making a Big Purchase

Avoid buyer's remorse later — and keep more of your money now — by checking in with yourself before you spend on costlies.

14 Unexpected Uses for Sugar

You can do a lot more with a sack of sugar than sweeten your tea and bake some cookies. Read on to learn 14 other ways sugar can enrich your life.

Best Money Tips: 5 Ways You're Overpaying for Health Care

Today we found articles on ways you’re spending too much on health care, how to optimize your workspace, and why sales tax holidays are not as great as they sound.

How to Move From Being Busy to Actually Getting Things Done

Being busy feels good — but it's not the same as being productive. Here's how to slow the pace and still get more done.

Best Money Tips: Why Women Need More Money Than Men

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. This week we're talking leftover hot dog buns and a blinged-out J.D. Roth. (You'll have to see it to believe it!)

What Is a “Value-Added Tax,” Anyway?

Probably due to the fact that my monthly health insurance premiums rose dramatically this year, and also because I am about to take a state-mandated 5% pay cut, my ears really per

For Love or Money: Must It Be One or the Other?

A recent Wise Bread article explored whether the career advice “do what you love” is idealistic or sensible. I don’t see it as black or white; this article examines a few x-factors

Ask the Readers: Hamburger, What to Do With It? (A Chance to win $20!)

Everyone knows that in most instances, hamburger is an affordable meat option. You can brown it, bake it, patty it, or fry it. Problem gets a bit tiring when it's the ONLY

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 10/20, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $200 in Prizes!

Topic: How to Be a Financial Grownup! Join our conversation with Bobbi Rebell for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat and #FinancialGrownup to participate!

Fast Food, Slow Food, and Your Dollars at Work

Trying to eat well while spending less is a tough balancing act. However, buying more expensive food today may save you money in the long term.

9 Travel Expenses You Forgot to Budget For

These often-overlooked travel expenses can eat right through your budget. Keep your eyes open for these nefarious fees.

Are You Being Had? Learn From 5 Crazy Ponzi Schemes

Amazingly, these schemes were all real. Thankfully, they also all offer real lessons on how to avoid losing your shirt.

Ask the Readers: Do You Honestly Follow a Budget? (Chance to win $20)

What do you think it takes to "budget" effectively? And do you do so yourself? Let us know your thoughts in order to be entered to win one of three $20 Amazon gift cards!

The 5 Best Carry-On Luggage

Spare yourself from an extra long wait in line and skip straight to your flight gate with these five handy carry-ons.

5 Myths About Credit Cards That Won't Go Away

Credit cards have been around for a long time now — and so have all these myths about paying with plastic.

10 Mindless Ways You're Spending Money

Where does it all go? Who knows!? Watch out for these mindless spends and keep control of your money.

Cheap Smartphones: Which Ones Are Worth It?

Think getting a smartphone means shelling out hundreds of dollars? Nope. Check out the new crop of inexpensive, well-functioning smartphones.

Best Money Tips: Changes to Make for Everyday Simplicity

Today we found some helpful articles on changes we can make for everyday simplicity, common calorie myths, and actionable financial tips for millennials.

Flashback Friday: 61 Affordable Ways to Embrace All Things Autumn

Fall is finally here. Embrace the coziness of the season without spending all your money.