Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Build Savings Faster With a Multiple Account Strategy

Trying to manage all your expenses out of one savings account? Your finances might actually be a little simpler with two or three accounts.

9 Tips to Save Money on Holiday Shopping

Save more this holiday season with price drop alerts, discount gift cards, and gift swap websites.

DON'T Buy It Now on eBay without using cashback

You've been saving money with your online purchases thanks to Wise Bread, but wanna save even more? I know that got your attention.

5 Easy Ways to Avoid Common Spelling and Grammatical Errors

Spelling and grammar miscues are embarrassing and irksome — and maybe even career threatening. Trap those errors before they trip you up with a few simple tricks.

The Census Questions 8 and 9

While filling out this year's census I wondered, how relevant are questions 8 and 9 going to be to the government programs they might serve? Don't the questions themselves make the

Bottled or Tap: The Right Choice for Water May Surprise You

When it comes to drinking water, the choice is often expensive bottled or potentially dirty tap. Get informed so you can make the right choice for you.

What Happens to Your Online Stuff After You Die?

After you're gone, your virtual self will live on — for a while. Grant your heirs access to your digital property before it's gone, too.

4 Surprising Places to Find Deals on Health Care

A Groupon for hip replacement? We're not quite there yet, but in the meanwhile, here's how the Internet is changing the health care market.

14 Dumb Things Holding You Back From Losing Weight

Been dieting and exercising but still can't shed the fat? One of these dumb things might be keeping the weight on.

Best Money Tips: Plan a July 4th Blowout on a Budget

Today we found some wonderful articles on ways to plan a July 4th blowout on a budget, how bridesmaids can avoid going broke, and small business ideas for kids.

The 5 Best Back Support Devices

Keeping back pain at bay after sitting all day isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these back support devices and you'll be able to remain active without the discomfort.

Best Money Tips: Dining Hacks From Restaurant Insiders

Today we found some fantastic articles on dining hacks from restaurant insiders, reconsidering the college investment, and tools to help you find the cheapest textbooks.

The 10 Things You Need to Do If You Want to Quit Your Job

Americans today change jobs about every five years, and the right way to jump ship is an important career skill. Here's how to make your next move.

4 Questions to Ask Before Leaving Your House to Your Kids

A home sounds like a wonderful gift for your adult children. But before you hand over the keys, there are a few things to consider.

Best Money Tips: How to Drive More Efficiently

Today we found some great articles on ways to drive more efficiently, how to follow up without being pushy, and why positive thinking sucks.

8 Ways Your Customer Service Job Can Help You Win at Life

Next time you're feeling fed up with your service industry gig, just remember — it's making you a better person.

Bad Credit? It Might Cost You Your Marriage

Your perfect partner is smart, funny, attractive. What more could you want from them? Add this to your list: a good credit score.

4 Pet Expenses That Aren't Worth It

Our pets bring us lots of love — and lots of expense, some of it wasteful. Get a handle on your budget by eliminating these unnecessary pet costs.

How I Still Make Money with eBay

The glory days of eBay might be over, but there are still profits to be had. Learn the tricks to making money in the new eBay era.

How to Save on School Supplies Without Going Crazy

You can get everything on your kid's school-supply list for cheap, and you don't even need to run all around town to find the best deals. Here's how.