Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 6 Best Makeup Kits You Can DIY for $50 or Less

Be fabulously frugal at any age with these expert-recommended makeup kits. Each one is less than $50!

Make Grocery Budgeting A Game, The Price Is Right Style

Growing up, I stayed with my grandparents during the day on summer breaks from school. Our mid-mornings were usually spent casually watching The Price is Right. Maybe those Showca

Drugstore Freebies: More Than Junk Food and Harsh Chemicals

Some haters think that playing the drugstore instant rebates is actually a waste of time and money. I counter that you can't waste money if you don't spend any money, and as for ti

To Buy or Not to Buy? Criteria for Thrift-Store Clothes Shopping

Do you enjoy thrift-store shopping? Here are tips for what to buy, and what NOT to.

TIPS and I-Bonds

There are risks in any investment. The market might go down--or the market might go up, but your investment might go down anyway. The company that issued your stock or bond might

The 7 Most Common Tax Questions for Beginners, Answered

Never fear, newbies — those tax forms won't bite! All your basic tax questions are here, answered.

8 Ways to File Your Taxes for Free

If you made less than a certain amount last year, you can file for free, even with popular tax-prep software. You have lots of other free options, too — use them!

How to Get the Greenest Lawn on the Block — Naturally

A lush lawn does not require a lush dollar amount. Try one of these inexpensive and environmentally-kind tricks to get the greenest grass on the block.

How Much Does Your Credit Card Debt Cost You?

Only having to pay 2% of your total credit-card balance a month makes charging tempting...but with interest, you could also pay more than double your original purchase price.

Should You Ever Consider a Balloon Mortgage?

A balloon mortgage has its upsides, but it sure leaves a lot up in the air.

How to Learn From Your Mistakes

To move forward in life, you must learn from your mistakes. Find out how to cut through ego, stop simply persevering, and start getting things right.

Here's What's Included in a Home's Closing Costs

You know closing costs make up a hefty bill when buying a new home. Have you ever wondered what's included in those costs, exactly?

6 Mobile Payment Tools You Should Start Using Today

Everything else has gone digital, why not your credit cards? Check out these mobile payment tools you can start using today — and leave your wallet at home.

8 Easy Home Maintenance To-Dos for Spring

Spring is in the air and that means home repair. Welcome the warmer days with these must-do maintenance projects.

How to Sell Your Old Stuff on Facebook

Forget eBay and Craigslist — Facebook has everything you need to make some extra cash selling stuff online.

Ask the Readers: What Financial Topic Do You Want to Learn More About?

Tell us what financial topic you want to learn more about and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Should You Become a Landlord Instead of Selling Your Home?

With the housing market still in the dumps, many of us have become "accidental landlords." Should you join us?

When Is It Okay to Share Your Social Security Number?

There are very few times when giving out your Sosh is a good idea. Find out when it's okay — and when it absolutely isn't.

Selling Your Groupon Coupons

If you've bought a Groupon or Living Social coupon but can't (or don't want to) use it, these sites will help you sell it to someone who wants it.

5 Cheap Travel Destinations for Wine Lovers

See the world while sipping your favorite wines — all at a reasonable price. Cheers!